

The lone man in the theatre, conjured up this image

Of a man, who made us laugh, and was loved by all.

He told the story of Eric and his partner Ern,

On this stage, where the great man died.


He made us laugh, he made us cry,

As he told the story of Morecombe,

Nee Bartholomew and Wise, nee Wiseman,

Who still make me laugh, with their timeless humour.


“I’m playing all the RIGHT notes,

But NOT necessarily in the RIGHT order”

Lines that will be remembered through history

As they were recalled once again


The memory of Andre Preview, jumping up and down,

And not laughing at this bespectacled clown.

The orchestra finding it difficult to play,

As the tears of laughter ran down their faces.


The breakfast being prepared to that

Tune that conjures up such risqué images.

And has the actor, of Hammer Horror films,

Received his pay cheque yet?


So many memories of a funny man

And yet, the man that many did not see.

“If we made you laugh – that’s good;

If we made you care – that’s better”


The man whose view on life was

“Positive Thinking”

And always left the stage bringing sunshine

Into our lives.


The curtain closes on the lone man on the stage

And on Eric at the place he left this world.

The actor and writer came back to answer questions

About the funny man. 


Then from the audience came another;

Eric’s daughter, so strong of character

Listening to her father’s life,

In the place, where he had died.


And from this woman came the lines

That brought me many more tears.

Her son asking her the question, that I will never forget

“Does this mean that there will be no more magic?”

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Online Online)
  • Published: October 24th, 2019 01:35
  • Comment from author about the poem: After yesterdays poem I said to Angela and Brian that I would put one up about Eric Morecombe that I had written some time ago. I went to see one man a show about his life at the theatre where he died, it was brilliant but what we did not know until the end was that his daughter was in the audience. After the show the man who acted the part, the writer and Erics daughter come down and answered questions. That was when the daughter said that when she told her son that his granddad had died he replied "Does that mean there will be no magic?"
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
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  • orchidee

    Yes, comic geniuses. Hmm, there's not a lot of actual comedy shows on, since about 1975! And hideous stand-up so-called comedians these days.
    A trailer on TV said 'And now forthcoming new comedy shows'. I said 'Where?' And 'I laughed so much, I never started!' Doh!

    • Goldfinch60

      Yes they were superb and as you rightly say there are not many now who can match them.

      • orchidee

        Maybe there are some who can match them, but we don't see them? We say these days mostly 'Comedy shows; what comedy?'

      • FineB

        Hello Goldfinch60,

        An excellent write and tribute to the great Eric Morecambe.

        Keep writing FineB

        • Goldfinch60

          Thank you FineB, yes they will ever be forgotten.

        • Alan .S. Jeeves

          Three funny, witty men.

          • Goldfinch60

            Thank you Alan - and long may it be so.

          • dusk arising

            Magic is there for us always Goldfinch, for those of us who see magic that is.

            • Goldfinch60

              Very true d a, there is always magic in life.

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