Everything Gonna Be Alright

Lamar Cole

I left home for the war.

When I was just eighteen.

I went to Vietnam a person so good and clean.

I came back home all broken spirited and mean.


All through the war I kept thinking.

If I could just get back home.

Everything gonna be alright.


As I tramped through the fields.

Bodies of my buddies maimed and killed.

I kept thinking if I could just get back home.

Everything gonna be alright.


They shipped me home on a Monday.

They gave me a Purple Heart.

I lost one leg and my mind is bad.

People look at me with faces so sad.


But I'm home now Lord.

And everything is alright.

But I'm home now Lord.

And everything is alright.


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Comments +


  • Goldfinch60

    Glad all is better after an awful time.

  • orchidee

    A fine write Lamar.


    ANGELA HERE - The aftermath of WAR (any War) makes for great Poetry but unerasable Memories. My PROFESSION of PHYSIOTHERAPY gets Wounded Veterans back on the FEET and improves MAUAL DEXTERITY but only GOD (in my experience) can heal the BROKEN HEARTS & TORTOURED MINDS. Love the ANGST & RECOVERY in your POEM ! Is it autobiographical ?

    Stanza 1. I GO out clean - I COME back mean !
    S 2. Yearning for HOME !
    S 3. Everythings gonna be alright !
    US Optimism - despite the horror ?
    S 4. Is a PURPLE HEART fair exchange for a LEG ?
    S 5. GOD alone can heal & restore ...............
    The WAR damaged Mind - Body & Soul ~ AMEN

    Thanks for caring & sharing !
    Love ANGELA ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก
    Please check AUTUMN to WINTER - Thanks !

    • Lamar Cole

      Thanks for this very thoughtful comment.

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