Where To Go

Thoughts In Time

‘Where To Go’



Everything’s gone


Where is there 



To go...


Kelly Fagelund-Gjersoe



  • Author: Thoughts In Time (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 1st, 2019 01:32
  • Comment from author about the poem: What’s left when there’s nothing...
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 26
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  • Goldfinch60

    Everything's gone

    I will be

    With My Spirit,
    Looking down,


    • Thoughts In Time

      Sad day ...we just have to be and all shall be what it’s meant to be...

    • orchidee

      Go Right, if there's nothing Left. Makes sense to me. Doh, wish I would shut up. I'm no help at all! lol.

      • Thoughts In Time

        Lol..when nothing goes right ..go left ..happy friyay🌹

        • orchidee

          What day is friyay?! heehee.

          • Thoughts In Time

            Whatever day you want to fry ...lol🌹

          • ANGELA & BRIAN

            HI KELLY ~ ANGELA HERE # SOUNDS LIKE YOUR GLASS ~ is more than HALF EMPTY. At this point in time BRIAN & I are on the UP so our Glasses are always HALF FULL and if we pool them at least we have ONE GLASS FULL & running over ! We have wedding to look forward too ~ Weve now fixed to get married in SEVILLA so more of My relations can attend ! So we are mega excited ! When other relationships didnt work out we have both has our share of Hearbreaks & Low ebbs so we can empatise with a POEM that drips with MELANCHOLY but it is not US this month (NOVEMBER !) Not DROWNING but FLOATING !
            Your POEM sounds a bit AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ? WE wont ask questions just PRAY for YOU ! Never look down ~ looking round can be depressing ~ BUT ~ if you look up you wont see the clouds but the SILVER LINING ~ AMEN !

            May LOVE - JOY - PEACE and the other SIX *Fruit of the Spirit*
            be YOURS this Weekend
            Love in the SPIRIT Angela & Brian 🧡💙🧡💙🧡💙🧡

          • Thoughts In Time

            Thankyou and amen to that ..I’m just thoughtful if this world as the flesh steals and sometimes I wonder what people are doing with their lives as much if their existence is fleshly and incomplete...was just a thought ..I await many blessings still to come 🌹happy weekend 🌹

          • kevin browne

            There is everywhere to go if you search deep enough for where you want to be. The human mind, life and it's ambitious reflections are revealing new wordly minds which reach out far enough for to walk and breathe on new grounds which the surface contains many beautiful unnoticed landscapes of thought that once you're there you will amost declare yourself a God. Keep searching and you'll discover...

            • Thoughts In Time

              You are so right much beauty out there but when you chase materialism and money and nature is ruined what will they do them...🌹

            • Suresh

              Deep within, when there is no one out there no more......

              • Thoughts In Time

                True...always a better place within us where we know the truth and connect with a higher power..🌹

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