Edge of suicide

nasim sataitis

Why should we live

Why should we die

Just cut my throat with a shiv

But no I just cry

They think I'm full of pride

But actually I'm dying inside

And I can't seem to hide

My thirst and need for suicide

  • Author: nasim sataitis (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 18th, 2019 14:05
  • Comment from author about the poem: I am a student and this is how I felt at my darkest times, I hope this helps people to show that they are not alone and that some people feel like they do.
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 45
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    HI NASIM ~ BRIAN HERE ~ Welcome to MPS and thanks for your first POEM ! Well presented with plenty of RHYME ! But an all too familiar Subject ~ SUICIDE. I am Lecturer in a College and a Personal Tutor. Some of my students have attempted suicide as a *CRY FOR HELP* fortunately none of them has died ! It is a dangerous practice because it can be fatal ! Being a STUDENT is never easy because there are so so many pressures. The best antidote (in my experience) is to have a group of Friends (who you can trust) and who yiou can share your angst with ! My MANTRA is *A problem shared ~ is a problem solved*

    Peace & Joy
    Yours BRIAN

    • nasim sataitis

      It is thrilling to know that there is such a beautiful community with lovely people like you and I admire your love for poetry and look forward to posting here more

    • Poetic Dan

      Very well expressed, brilliant flow
      We are truly never alone
      Although the loneliness never goes
      Keep up the write

      Thanks for sharing your soul
      Much peace and respect

      • nasim sataitis

        Even though the loneliness never goes in such happy moments we ignore and forget them even just for a second that is true happiness and thank you for sharing it with me so I could share it with others like you

      • Goldfinch60

        All the time you are crying you are still with us writing your words, the more words that you write the happier they will become, keep writing.
        Welcome to MPS.

        • nasim sataitis

          Thank you I will take these words to heart

        • orchidee

          I was in a counselling group that covered any theme, not only suicidal themes. I shuddered at some tales though - and when I looked up 'shiv'.
          Yes, friends help. Also, there's beautiful things in the world too - like that kitten in your pic. Anyone who likes kittens (and other animals) can't be completely doomy-gloom, I say!
          Brian & Angela know - they're very wise - and others on here too. 🙂

          • nasim sataitis

            I appreciate your comment as if you were the nicest person on earth so I give you the most humble of my thanks

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