

I dreamt a dream to-night—
Dreamers often do.
A haze—a blur of violet light
Cerise—cast in bloom.
The subtle, cream, curving petal
Dashed with burning red
Of countless words left unsaid,
Ages of books unread
Of precious time spent—
Squandered on worry instead.

  • Author: benevolentbluebabe (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 29th, 2019 09:56
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 48
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    Good Evening *BBB* thanks for sharing an excellent Poem ! Excellent STRUCTURE replete with Rhyme & Rhythm and an important SUBJECT ~ TIME ! We all waste time on TRIVIA ~ and neglect to focus on the important things in LIFE ~ It made us THINK ! More please !

    Blessings & Peace & Joy

  • Goldfinch60

    Very good write, may those dreams always be filled with colour.

  • lovedud

    love this, always dreaming ❤️

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