GOD exists & operates as THREE PERSONS ~ Father - Son & Holy Spirit ~ The TRINITY ! The TRINITY acts in unison but they all have different roles. When The TRINITY created MAN ~ They gave MAN the Intellectual & Spiritual capacity to know & understand about GOD and to communicate with GOD through PRAYER ! We were created NOT just a little HIGHER than the APES ~ BUT ~ just a little LOWER than the ANGELS ! Spiritual Beings created in GOD's likeness ! GOD gave us all FREE WILL so we could chose to worship GOD the CREATOR or the CREATION ! The Universe - The Solar System & Planet Earth.
God chose the descendants of ABRAHAM ~ through ISAAC & JACOB ~ The JEWS ~ to be HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE. He gave Them the OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES (GENESIS to MALACHI). These Scriptures explain the Origin of the Universe & The Solar System & Planet Earth and Life (Flora & Fauna) and MAN ! Through the Patriarchs & Prophets GOD gave the JEWS and elaborate system of Laws & Worship. This includes the weel known TEN COMMANDMENTS ! Millions of JEWS ~ Worldwide ~ still adhere to the JEWISH FAITH today and THE STATE of ISREAL is a Sovereign State.
The JEWS did not always live up to GOD*S expectations ~ so the TRINITY decided decided to extend its LOVE and the Blessings of ISRAEL to the whole Human Race. BUT it involved the Involvement & total Cooperation of every Member of the TRINITY ! GOD the Father - God the SON (The Lord Jesus Christ) and GOD The HOLY SPIRIT ! The SON of GOD agreed to cooperate ~ even though it meant becoming Totally Human and yet at the same time remaining Totally Divine ! It necessitated the INCARNATION over 2000 years ago for The Son of God - JESUS - to be born on Earth - by the Virgin Mary in very humble circumstances ! He was required ti live a SINLESS LIFE and become obedient unto DEATH ~ even to The Death of a CRIMINAL on a ROMAN CROSS outside JERUSALEM in AD 33. All this is recorded - verified & explained in the NEW TESTAMENT (Matthew to Revelations) and much of the detail is prophesied in the OLD TESTAMENT !
JESUS came down to Earth - from HEAVEN - at a very appropriate time in Human History for the spread of Christianity ! There was a universal Language - GREEK for the New Testament to be written in ~ An excellent Land Transport system with the Roman Roads and an excellent Shipping system on the Mediterranean Sea ! This enabled the Gospel to spread rapidly throughout the Known World and the New Testament was complete in AD 100 and translated into several languages ! Today there are over 2 billion Christians out of a Global Population of 7.5 billion. The BIBLE is translated into over 2000 different languages ! Without JESUS there would be NO CHRISTMAS - IT REALLY IS ALL ABOUT THE BOY - THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - AMEN !
Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love ANGELA & BRIAN ๐งก๐๐งก
ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (
- Published: December 25th, 2019 03:44
- Category: Love
- Views: 15
A fine sermon/talk there B&A. Babe looks a bit bonny, or chubby!
Thanks UNCLE STEVE pleased you enjoyed it ! The nativity scene is by BERYL COOK - who normally paints fat (real !) Ladies. I guess she painted the Nativity Scene as it really was not just a MEDIEVIL DREAMSCAPE ! MARY with her postnatal plumpness and JESUS as real chubby Northern Babby ! It is our fave Nativity Painting ~ AMEN !
Blessing to YOU & YOUR Pesky Pup !
Love in the SPIRIT A & B ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
If you so choose to believe, may it carry you on its wings.
Merry Christmas
Thanks SURESH ! Angela & I were raised in Christian Homes but as TEENAGERS we had to decide for ourselves toacept the CHRISTIAN FAITH FULLY and be Members of a local Christian Church. To be a Committed Christian one has to belive in The Trinity & its Activities and that The Bible (Geniis to Revelations) is the Divinly Inspired Word of GOD ~ AMEN. Being raised in a Christian Home did not make us Christians - We had to make a personal decision to accept - lock - stock & battel - All the teachings of Christianity. Friends of ours raised in Christian Homes have chiosen - usually @ University - to become Agnostics - Atheists - Muslims - Buddhists - Jews etc. We all have free will to chose any Religion or None - AMEN Christianity really works for us and makes a difference in our everyday Lives enabling us to honour God and be better people - AMEN !
Peace Joy & Love to You & YOURS
Yours Angela & Brian ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
If this is true why was he not with my lover when she was struck with dementia?
Why has he made her so ill that she is now in hospital waiting to die?
If he was there and cared her life would be happy not the curled up body that lays on the bed, not recognising anything.
He does not care and I do not care for him now!
The staff in the hospital care, friends care, the family care, I care but the god that she worshipped all her life does not care.
The Bible is just a work of historical fiction, as in all history it is written by the victors, what if the victors were wrong! The christian belief is such a load of tosh conning others into a dishonest belief of hypocrisy.
HI UNCLE ANDY ~ Thanks for your comment ~ OOPS weve replied with a comment ~ Please check ~ Thanks B & A !
Good Evening Uncle Andy ~ Thanks for your comment. We are sorry you have lost your faith in *Christianity* but it is understandable ~ especially as JOYCE was such a devout Christian. We know Chritsians who have suffered great tragedy in their personal lives. Some have lost their Faith (because of their loss) while others have accepted it ~ as part of life ~ and continues to have Faith in GOD. One Lady we know ~ who has had to put her Beloved Husband into care because of dementia ~ has accepted it and when we paryd with Her said *God never promised that the Christian Life would be a bed of Roses but GOD has given me the Grace to bear it !* Ot.hers have been very bitter and turned their back on GOD ! We love them all ~ as we do you & Joyce ~ and continue to Pray for them and with them. The love and 24/7 care & concern you show towards JOYCE is a great example & inspiration to us ~ because we dont know what the future holds for US.
Every Blessing & Peace for You & Yours & Your Beloved Joyce
You are in our Thoughts ~ Love BRIAN & ANGELA ๐งก๐๐งก๐๐งก
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