Holding on tightly


All I have left is your scent on your clothes
That comfort me and kept me in my denial bubble
I hold them tight when it hurts too much
And always when I feel troubled
My days are filled with scheduled things to do to stop me going insane
But night time comes and I’m drowning in pain
Tears fall from my tired eyes
I wouldn’t of ever been ready to say goodbye,
you were taken from me way too soon
We should of had a lifetime together to gaze at the moon
Daylight I am strong and somehow get through
But night falls and I’m broken
And really needing only you
I don’t even know if I will get through this
I love you too much
My heart.... my Tris

  • Author: misskay (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 26th, 2020 05:24
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 15
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Comments +


  • misskay

    Thank you I really appreciate your comment.
    When it feels too much the words just appear and I write them down, it helps a little.
    Sorry for your loss too ❤️

  • dusk arising

    Heartfelt loss pours from your words here and cant fail but touch your readers soul.
    Keep writing, you write well and it is very theraputic.

  • misskay

    Thank you dusk I appreciate it

  • Goldfinch60

    Your words show the love and the sorrow, a wonderful emotive write misskay.
    Words on the page can help. Remember the good times.

  • misskay

    Thank you it’s appreciated

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