

I came unprepared to the event id been preparing for, for weeks

I had the words, but I can no longer say them

I had the feelings, but I can no longer feel them

Thoughts and ideas used to teem from my head

They could’ve built monuments of a new civilisation and toppled the image of an omnipresent God

I could’ve touched the sky,

Grasping and clutching for the edge of the world, but it never comes.

I’ve never felt smaller.

The thoughts and ideas that teemed from my head no longer reach the paper,

Leaving me tapping my pencil on the blank paper,

Fooling myself that I had anything in my mind worthy of being written.

Tap, tap, tap

I have nothing

I am nothing

No more words that can be spoken

No more feelings to be felt

The paper is blank and will always be blank

My mind is blank

I’m waiting for my name to be called

I’m not afraid, I’m not excited.

I am nothing.

I know my moment is coming

I will both rise and fall but it’s too early to know which

Until I open the box to see the cat

All I know is that my thoughts and ideas are gone from my head

But the paper isn’t blank

Not anymore

It’s full of words,

Words written by a girl that believed anything was possible

Written by a girl that believed she could change the world.

My name is called.

The box is opening, the cat is still

It’s still too early to tell whether I really am dead inside

Or just dormant,

Waiting for that girl to pounce out of the darkness and onto the stage,

To fulfil her destiny.

To feel the thoughts again that put those words on those pages

To speak the words to rewrite the future.

Will she?

Should she?

Who was she?

Who is she?

Who will she become…

  • Author: sparkypoet42 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 6th, 2020 17:57
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 15
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    ANGELA HERE - Hi Sparkey welcome to MPS. It is a proactive site which operates by reading & commenting on each others poetry - OK I share this site with BRIAN my Fiancee. Thanks for your first poem - Elegantly written in flowing free verse ! It has a very challenging subject - POTENTIAL !
    All of us have POTENTIAL - because we are part of the Human Race ! Created not just a little higher than the Apes - BUT - just a little lower than the ANGELS ! There is a big difference. The combined POTENTIAL of the Human race - in any decade - is infinite ! In 1969 we walked o the Moon didnt we ? In my experience - cometh the CHALENGE - cometh the INSPIRATION. Im a PHYSIOTHERAPIST so I must get my exercise & diet programmes etc right - or I could do more harm than good ! Mine is a *hands on* profession so I have to have *Healing Hands* the Human Hand is a miracle of design and as Humans one of our greatest gifts with its amazing sense of touch. I am also a Pianist. Have you developed the POTENTIAL of your hands and your other senses ?
    I love the optimism expressed in your poem from line 26 onwards *But the paper isnt blank* ! Power of Positive Thinking ! Your DESTINY will be fulfilled ! More Poems please !

    Blessings & Peace & Joy
    Yours ANGELA ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿงก
    Please check our site ~ Thanks.
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