covid city morning

dusk arising

Again she rises,
our noble star.
Bringer of life's light.
Above silent streets,
where, birdsong
echoes now, above
a strangeness of
new found silence.
Her radiant rays
reflecting off
lines of unused cars
and strangely
darkened sheets of
unlit store windows.
Opening late buds in
planted parkland beds
where human eyes,
now forbidden,
shall not see.
Stroking tree tops
new found paradise
of unpolluted city air.
Warming the face
of one frightened
uniformed young lady
as bravely she paces
toward covid-19 icu
ward of fear,
terror, death,
the ward of love.
Steady be your heart
sweet angel of mercy.

  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 28th, 2020 04:02
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 67
  • Users favorite of this poem: Fay Slimm.
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  • Goldfinch60

    Sweet angel of mercy indeed d a.
    That new life is out there, I m fortunate to be able to have my hour with Nature and see its glory.
    Keep well


    • dusk arising

      Watch this video from an ex-pat in spain and think again about venturing out my friend:-

      • Poetic Dan

        That was a very sobering up up video, my friend...

      • orchidee

        Well, we'll all be in bed and get up an hour later tomorrow morning - will we?!

        • dusk arising

          Doesn't matter what time you arise orchi, so long as you arise as healthy as you were before we ever heard of coronavirus. Stay well and may your god be with you.

        • Fay Slimm.

          I missed this post yesterday but now having read it my heart skips beats as my head nods in agreement - -your words epitomize conditions in so many places D.A. - -- and written so clearly the scenery speaks in pure poetry the truths of a fearful world right now - -- am keeping this remarkable piece of prose as a perfectly penned reminder my friend.

          • dusk arising

            Thank you so much Fay. Maybe an austere urban backdrop will teach us something of what we thoughtlessly do to our home, our planet. Wishful thinking on my part ..... so few are out there seeing it like this.... I should have taken more time to polish this piece perhaps but i felt the fearful final contrast shouting to be posted.

          • Poetic Dan

            Wow.. Knocked me off my feet a bit here...
            After that video I'm lost for words, keep safe my friend!

            Always appreciate the craftmanship of your pen, things definitely won't be the same again!

            • Poetic Dan


              My lady found this, hope it works!

              • dusk arising

                Yep i saw that one on u tube b4, try this one its quite cleverly done

                • Poetic Dan

                  Brilliantly awful my friend, went on but worth my 6 minutes...

                • Neville

                  Say it like it truly is....
                  starkly surreal mid
                  such emptiness and beauty..

                  a beautifully dark.. ragged and real poem of the moment....


                  • dusk arising

                    This is our third week of semi-lockdown. It's a massive change in our lives and cant help but feel it as an inspiration.There's more, so much more to be written about these times.

                    Pleased you got something out of this one.

                    • Neville

                      Damn write...…

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