Mark's Passion Missive


Tune: St Francis Xavier

('My God, I love thee, not because')

Mark 15 v.33-39


Jesus crucified, noon-tide dark

A scene so bleak and stark

O'er the whole land for hours three

Christ's agonies here, see


Then with loud voice, Jesus did cry

God His Father not nigh

'My God, my God, why have you me

Forsaken?', my help be


'Eloi, Eloi', His cry, they said

To Elijah He pled

One to Him vinegar offered

Some comforting conferred


Then Jesus with final loud cry

Did breathe His last and die

Temple curtain in two was torn

And people there did mourn


His Passion did bring salvation

As said centurion

Stood there, said, 'Truly this man He

The Son of God sure be'


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 7th, 2020 02:31
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. In some Readings for this Holy Week, Palm Sunday has St Mark's Gospel Passion narrative all in one go. Then the other Gospels follow through the week.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 16
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  • Neville

    I remember being told of this at Sunday School way back when I was a young lad ….

    • orchidee

      Thanks N. I might say 'Hear it at church again, but...…… we can't meet'. Well, it's in the Bible. Got one? Or dust it off?!


      Hi Uncle Steve ~ Great Hymn ~ Church looks 1066 ! I (BRIAN) visited Oberamagau in 2000 ~ Awesome really brought the Crucifixion ALIVE ! My fave cry from the CROSS TETALESTI *I have acomplished it !* AMEN

      Blessings & Joy to You & Your Praying Pooch
      Love int Spirit Angela & Brian

      • orchidee

        Thanks A&B. Ahh, I should know the church well then - 1066 feel to it!

      • Goldfinch60

        Was he!

        • orchidee

          Thanks Gold. Well, 'yes' - a short answer there!

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