Is There Anyone There


Is There Anyone There


Is someone knocking
But there is no one home

Is someone calling
On a disconnected phone

About freedom but
There is nowhere to roam

Really must get out of here
I need some space I got to leave

Your heart from that well-worn sleeve
You talk about pain but you never seem to bleed

Can you hear me

  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 7th, 2020 11:52
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 23
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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  • Laura🌻


    I can hear you...
    Loud and clear!


    • Neville

      Bless you my dear friend, your visits are always welcome ... thank you so much for your ongoing encouragement and support.............Stay safe n well during these difficult times....


    • Fay Slimm.

      Clever this lead-up to saying goodbye to a dying romance but trying to get in touch seems impossible at times like these - love those last lines Nev - - such an original take on how to go separate ways.

      • Neville

        Good to have you here my friend.... appreciate you visiting and muchly so....


      • dusk arising

        So many out there paying lip-service in so many ways. A feature of today's society.

        But when we see so many following wealthy organised religions (google how wealthy is the roman catholic church for example) who put such stead in a book which states "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" is it any wonder?

        I really like the format as it builds in drama. Love the question contained.

        • Neville

          I appreciate the way you consider many of my scribbles DA... thank you so bloomin much for the ongoing support and encouragement....


        • orchidee

          A fine write Neville.
          And 'Cooeee' do ya hear me? Are ya there?!

          • Neville

            loud and clear my little guinea pig..... cheers oh' Orchidee

            N... 🙂

            • orchidee

              I would be there, wouldn't I? I'm always there - as a pest?! lol.

            • Goldfinch60

              There are many out there who can hear and appreciate your words Neville and I am certainly one of them.


              • Neville

                How very bloomin kind... Bless ya boots GF60


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