I HAD ORIGIONALLY ~ ENTITLED Yesterdays Poem as a *Love Poem to Angela* !  DA pointed out that the Title did not reflect the content of the Poem (which is the objective of a Title) so I changed it to *Things I have Faith in*. I trust that this Poem ~ In which Angelas Loveliness is mentioned in EACH of the Seven Quatrains (and not just ONE) does justify its Title ~ OK ! 


Her Hair is as black as a raven*s wings

Its texture akin to the finest silk 

Her Eyes reveal *How Her pure Soul sings*

Her beauty derived from her Spanish ilk.


Her Lips blood-red of desire Divine

One KIss - One Kiss was all it took

I was entranced - Her LOVE forever mine

Encapsulates - My Candle - Bell & Book !


Such Kisses I had tasted NOT before

Despite - in love I was a practised MAN

One Kiss ? I craved for more & more & more

My fate was sealed - Escape ? I had no other plan ! 


And as I ventured further - in her form

Her Breasts - twin Orbs of LOVES desire

Her Body yielding sensuous & warm

Raised my LIBIDO setting it on FIRE !


She doth enflame each on of my Five Senses

Scent - Savour - Sight and Sound and Touch

And my Poetic Mind - ran out of TENSES

 I was - I am - I will be - ever loving her so very much !


I draw a veil o*er how our LOVE was consumated 

Use your imagination - if you can !

Suffice to say OUR LOVE was fully sated

Now Im a  very  Happy Married Man !


Thanks for visit comments welcome - Love Brian & Angela  ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก


This Poem is dedicated to DUSK ARISING - For his astute Critique. 



  • Author: ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 1st, 2020 03:23
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 20
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  • orchidee

    Oohhh - a bit of a swoony, but lovey write A&B.
    Now Fido can't heave 'libido being raised' - it's all too much for him! heehee.
    Maybe he does know, when he sees Suzie, the lady Jack Russell up the road. lol.

  • orchidee

    Oohh no, don't expand on the last verse - TMI - Too Much Info. It's private for you two anyway, apart from Fido being up in arms, if you were to elaborate. Do shut up sometimes, Fido! lol.
    I hear of some celebrities 'carryings-on'. It makes me shudder. I think 'Oh, just don't let me see it, that's all!' Or hideous things like an an affair in EastEnders.
    Well, I am married to KP, so I say.....


      Thanks UNCLE STEVE for a Double Comment ~ As a Chruch Deacon I kept within the bounds of propiety but is still rates an 18 to satisfy Fussy FIDO ! Your comment about Fido & Suzzie makes me belive He is *human* after all !

      Blessings & Joy to You & Flirty Fido
      Spiritual Love Brian & Angela ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

    • dusk arising

      There you go! Ya red blooded stud! Gret to read some passion in your post. (I'd suggest you change "she did enflame" to "she does or doth enflame" otherwise she might think you are no longer enflamed)

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Good Day DA ~ Pleased YOU enjoyed it ! Thanks for the inspiration and comment about the tense in *She DID enflame ..........* I agree it should be the PRESENT CONTINUOUS and not the PAST tense ! I have used DOTH to correct to add a Classical touch to the Poem ! My Manatra is always ~ *What would FAY do ?*

        Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
        Yours Brian & Angela ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Hola BRIAN Mi Oso Grande. Gracias por esta Poema d'Amor muy bonita. It came as a pleasant surprize during my Lunch Break we all loved it. Im so pleased DA critiqued you yesterday. Erotic Poetry is not our syle so I am pleased you managed sensuous (which we are) and avoided the erotic. Loved the Video very appropriate. The information about Fido & Suzie certainly is a reveletion. Please have something tatsy for Dinner see you soon. I'm in the Aquatherapy Pool this afternoon which always gives me an appetite for red meat & Rioja Tinta.
        Muchos Abrazos y Besos solomente per Tu
        Tu Esposa Amorada ANGELA

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Gracias ANGEL por La Tua Respuesta a mi Poema d'Amor.! It wasnt too difficult to write ~ Perche tu eres muy bonita ! I have taken two juicy steaks out of the freezer and am prparing Mash & Mixed Veg and a secret Sweet. The Rioja Tinta is at ambient temperature ! I love being a House Husband during Lockdown and I know you are taking extra care @ work. See You @ 18:30 horas !

        Besos y Abrazos y Todo de Mi Amor
        Tu Oso Grande Amorado ~ Brian

      • orchidee

        Enflamed? Fido will be round with the syphon to dampen any enthusiasm, whatever tense it may be! lol.

      • Goldfinch60

        Very good passionate write Brian. may that passion never fail.


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