With its mysterious
amber-toned nodular face,
the fronded sight of a beached
pale ribbon of sea kelp
tugged from the shacked deep
of this great Atlantic
affects and sets my pen to paper.
Shaped like a spiral
of tactile curves with open
lipped prehistoric lizard-look foot
spread groundward
its salty green dragon mouth juts
forward in torn-jawed
pieces toward now dying moments.
Tell me what violent
past ejected your submarine
life from forests of frills, what storm
dislodged your roots,
wrenched you screaming skyward
and tossing your pride
threw you drying onto this beach ?
Your prehensile shape
will never release the secret
to me but I think I see battles in dimly
lit worlds where bellowing
fights of wild undulation like quakes
severed your bed-grasp
ending resistance by breaker action.
You kelp anchored fast
in watery weedland grew strongly
mighty and tough, I will carry you back
now to saline tide-smells
and leave you lying where you belong.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: May 7th, 2020 04:01
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 61
- Users favorite of this poem: arobot
A fine write Fay. I'm not near the coast, but do my snail-saving still. Well, it might take them 2 hours to cross the path!
Trying to save every kind of life is praiseworthy my friend. Snails have beauty which we may not always see. Thank you for sharing your daily concern with aiding these special creations.
Touched in the right places and the poetic beauty in you is fired to emotion. Here we see what I and most others see as detritus brought magestically forward for our contemplation.
How perceptive to reach for the soul of this kelp upon the brutal unforgiving shoreline. The place which forever confuses our senses with both tragedy and romance
Dear friend - I will be sure to keep this encouraging comment on Severed and re-read it whenever I feel in need of reassurance that my pen works better for drawing attention to small things which may pass by us unnoticed. Your support is truly appreciated D.A.
A read filled with compassion.
Brian here - Good Evening Fay ! Being a Coastal Dweller - Like yourself - I too can enjoy the elegance of KELP with it s roots in the sand - with its noble stem enabling its *leaves* to surface for photosynthesis . Swimming in KELP enables one to appreciate its elegance & form. To see it stranded dead & dying on the shore is a sad sight for sore eyes ! Love the Poem that this tragedy has spawned (V 1.) Alas too often on our Beach Walks we concetrate on other Flosom & Jetsom and ignore the indignity of the stranded SEA KELP ! The scene is graphically described in V 2. Thanks for including the poignant photo of what so moved your MUSE ! V 3. You suggest a dialogue with the disloged KELP - Beautiful ! V 4. You marval @ its struggle. V 5. You lovingly return it to its appropriate resting place - Wicked
Please check *I love Angela because* - THANKS.
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love BRIAN & ANGELA ๐งก๐ค๐
Lovely write, how such little things can provide inspiration
So much life and history can be seen in the detritus on the beaches and it is totally brought to life in your words Fay.
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