The corona catastrophe


Silently shrill
a silent chill
seems to have run down the spine
of our blue planet windmill
So many deceased
Too many ill
mounting and surmounting
the healthcare bill
Breathing for many
is like climbing uphill
or like panting on
your home treadmill
And it's frightening when
there is nil a pill.
A minute invisible
virus doth kill .
Pray to God for mercy
bow and kneel!
Many are dying
without a will
It's safer to stay home
by the window sill
The world seems to have come
to a standstill
You now have time to sharpen
your poetic quill
In lockdown pray
and ink still spill
You may hone
your poetic skill
Until the virus
has had its fill.
Corona they say feels like drowning
like a fish without a gill
for we can't breathe
like the eel or krill.
In mouths hot water
flush and swill
Exterminate this virus?
only God can and will.

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  • dusk arising

    What do you say to the relatives and loved ones of those who fervently prayed... were ignored ... and died? What incentive is that for anyone to pray?

    • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

      Gah, dear dear dear, those who died may go to heaven, to a better place, if they were believers and theists. Death is not a punishment and the after life is not a bad place if you are a believer good doer who did no evil things. And for all those who prayed and their relatives survived , they outnumber those who died so the odds are in the favour of the praying relatives , since there are more survivors than dead even in this pandemic. So I will still advise to pray. Thanks so much, stay safe and take care.

    • orchidee

      Good write zaynab.

    • Nafis Light

      I just think that there is going to be another poem, like a continuation to this one...because the whole thing is not finished yet (lockdown and all). The ending is so far, true though...and there are those who pray as a group to be protected from the virus.

      • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

        Um hi you mean I'm gonna write more on the topic, another poem? Likely so, yeahhh. Yeah lockdown still is in place in many places, the ending does seem far, people still dying! Thanks soo much for your thoughts on this, stay safe, best wishes.
        Yes we can pray .

        • Nafis Light

          Yeah, but just a feeling though.

        • ANGELA & BRIAN

          ANGELA HERE - Good Afternoon ZYNZAB - thank you for an elegant & Hearrtfelt Poem on the very NASTY CORONA VIRUS - CORVID 19 - that is blighting the lives of the whole WORLD. I work as a PHYSIO in a big Hospital so I see the devatating effect of *DEATH BY COVID 19* every week. Not only the Patients but also the Dedicated Medical Staff. Im on ORTHOPEDIC not ICU but I do feel all their PAIN. I ama Committed Christian so I do Pray for God to empower the Medical Staff with HEALING and for the Virologists to find a VACCINE ! Prayer changes things and our Church continues the Prayer Meetings on ZOOM - AMEN

          Blessings & Peace & Joy to You & Yours
          Love Angela & Brian 🧡🤍💙🤍🧡
          Please vist our SITE - Thanks A & B !

          • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

            Hi dear Angela, my warmest thanks for your nice lovely comment, nice to see you are well! Scary and sad that you get to see more deaths but you as a medico are the heroes of the world and you get to see their pain close at hand. Do console them and bring them to prayer as that's what gives more hope. Yes our mosques continue prayers and religious motivations via online forums like zoom etc as well. You are so right that prayer changes things. Take care, stay safe!🌷

          • poet2rhyme4tommorrow

            honorable to be privy reading poetic resonance stoked courtesy coronavirus (COVID-19) well nigh said organism a household name, and inexplicable death sentence no matter age, gender, orientation (sexual)...

            plus laudatory to commend those first responders, whose every life and limb risked in a valiant attempt to eradicate those unfortunate persons afflicted with mutating cellular nemesis.

            • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

              A household name indeed so soon, so viral, woah thanks soo much for an awesome intellectual comment, and I smiled nervously at , ' mutating cellular nemesis' gahh sure !! Though who did you mean by the first responders, I'm not so sure. Thanks and stay safe, best wishes.

            • myself and me

              Pandemic is a world tragedy. I am not sure that it will be exterminated. We might better learn to live with it. Well done.

              • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

                Ah yes a world tragedy, oh no too scary to think it will never be eliminated eh!! To live with it gah forever doom, a punishment for our overly materialistic rapacious ways . Cavemen were better and didn\'t spoil the planet selfishly. We didn\'t evolve, we devolved .
                Thanks soo much, stay safe, regards!

              • FineB

                Hello S.zaynab,

                An excellent write, so deep, poignant and it captures brilliantly the ravages of Covid 19 and its devastating effects worldwide.

                God is in control and hopefully his timing will come soon when there is a cure.

                Keep fit, healthy, well and safe and writing.

                • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

                  Yes dear poetess God is still in control, He's the only hope. Warmest thanks for lovely bright comment, stay safe and take care.🌷

                • Poetic Dan

                  I love your spirit but mine will never sit by a window sill.... We are souls with this organism as a body, so complex we are still yet to understand it! If we was ever ment to at all! As all life on this planet is in harmony but humans, although we are the smartest most eloquent thing on this planet, if we so choose to be....

                  Thanks for this inspiring me to write another and post one I've been a bit hesitate too.

                  Keep up the write
                  Much peace and respect

                  • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

                    Heyy I'm curious why you won't sit by a window sill, a lot of poetry is inspired by the windowsill poets say. And the rest of your comment is so eloquent and great words you say. I'm glad it inspired you to more poetry, that was my intent too. Ok stay safe, peace and best wishes.

                  • Bragee

                    No better place to put hope and faith than in prayer.
                    Science and politics have failed us in an area we should have never trusted them in.

                    • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

                      Hi Bragee, yes yeahh indeed prayer is the vital recourse nowadays, God is in control and if we deny it then we fall into hopeless darkness. Indeed science and politics are human constructs prone to human error and flaws so they can't be trusted more than the creator. Thanks soo much for such a great lofty comment! Stay safe, best wishes,

                    • jarcher54

                      I'm with dusk on the praying thing but I respect you trying to make sense of it all. Whether it's God or Mother Nature, the pandemic does render us humble and literally to our knees. My favorite comment on praying is from the lyrics to "Tom Ames' Prayer" by Robert Earl Keen:

                      … And you know I ain't never prayed before
                      cause it always seemed to me
                      that prayin's the same as beggin' Lord
                      I don't take no charity

                      But right now I'd take some divine charity if not for me for so many others.

                      It is frightening when there is "nil a pill." Well said!

                      • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

                        Hi jarcher, I'm wondering if I read yours too. Anyway thanks soo much for your comment, I like to hear all thoughts even if I don't agree, we have a choice to beg to differ. So I'm glad that at least you can put my efforts at trying to make sense of it all even in that frame. I actually believe that the pandemic has been brought about by our own mortal human errors, selfish erroneous rapacious ways as so yes it has brought us to our knees.
                        And that poem gahh aww I take prayer as a communication and connection with God the creator not charity , like when we call up our father or mother we are building a relationship connection not charity right.? I'm religious and God has done me favours though I have had a hard life as well as trials so praying helped me from going crazy and not need meds for anxiety , depressive moments and all.
                        I'm impressed you wish for some divine charity at least for others, that was a very sweet noble thing to say, I smiled. Best wishes, stay safe!

                        • jarcher54

                          I adore how candid you are... and I respect your way of praying. I read medieval Latin, and your Covid poem reminds me of a medieval hymn or lyric with its short punchy intense lines using the same rhyme over and over and building to a crescendo of faith among the fear and darkness, as during a plague.

                        • Soman Ragavan

                          My comments on the poem "The corona catastrophe” by s.zaynab.kamoonpuri

                          Covid was a worldwide catastrophe of immense magnitude. It even caused people to suspect each other in the house… There were about 6 922 866 deaths; about 668 127 779 recovered. Many people died a horrible death, struggling to breathe. Many died without having been able to write a Will…

                          Even if you yourself stay at home, you can’t compel others at home to do so : they will go out and bring Covid to you…. On Covid, see my poems “Advance leave, advancing death” and “Jabbing Shakespeare” on this site. Soman Ragavan. 5 October, 2023.

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