
Fay Slimm.




Swirling in oily rainbowing movement
the bubble traps time,
wraps beauty around eternity and vibrates
its world of fluidity.
Excelling in jailed soapy space-restraint
orb creates and encases
in outer fragile-thin globular skin layers
of gossamer jewellery.


Look closely at see-thru' glassy sphere
and its tiny potential
caught in a universe of wondrous hues
swirling entombed yet alive.
Then in bursting lets fall what was first
indescribable but now
disappeared bubble's enchanting magic
awes any inner-child's mind.

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 15th, 2020 02:07
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 54
  • User favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet.
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  • orchidee

    A fine write Fay.

    • Fay Slimm.

      Thank you Orchi.


      GOOD MORNING FAY ~ BRIAN HERE ~ Angela @ Work me Huse Husband & Smokey Minder but not for Long ! Next Monday I have to be back in College to prepare for a brief return by Students before the August (come she must !) break ! Becaus all our courses are based on continuous assessment they will all progres to the next year ~ AMEN !
      BUBBLES are awsome and kids love them. Because of Surface Tension they are spherical and because th surfce refracts the White light into R O Y G B I V they are rainbow coloured ! Everything is a Childs life is ephemeral - so wen they burst (and disappear !) when you catch them - adds to their mystique ! Its interesting that with C 19 relaxaion we talk about *Inviing People into our BUBBLE !* Thanks for sharing

      Blessings & Peace & Joy
      Love BRIAN & ANGELA 💛💛💛

      • Fay Slimm.

        Glad you enjoyed this bubbly posting today Brian - - my inner child is always thrilled by the coloured movement at the core of a bubble.

      • Alan .S. Jeeves

        I love your use of syllabubbles here Fay ~ enchanting to my childs mind.

        Ex animo, Alan

        • Fay Slimm.

          Ah - Alan so pleased you enjoyed the tribute to bubbles and big thank yous for the smile your comment brought to my day.

        • Accidental Poet

          Beautiful write Fay, I hope you're doing well.

        • MendedFences27

          This is brilliant Fay. I've never looked at bubbles in this way. Surely they fascinate the minds of children, pets, and now adults. I must protest though that you left out the tiny bubbles of Champaign magic. Loved this poem. - Phil A.

        • Goldfinch60

          Wonderful words Fay, bubbles are so interesting to look at and into, so many things can be seen then all suddenly disappears and leave you waiting for the next one.


        • dusk arising

          Can't help but love bubbles can you. I have bought a bubble machine and gallons of bubble fluid to amuse the grandkids and what do we get.... lockdown grrr can't win.

          Yes i was taken again by you to the sticky popping of bubbles on my face just after seeing my nose's amplified reflection drawing too close.
          A wonderful summertime piece.

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