Little fish in the sea


Little fish in the deep blue sea,

You are destined for great things you see,


You may run into sharks,

With teeth ready to rip you apart,

But you’ll win with the size of your heart.


You may not be the fastest,

Or swim the strongest,

May not be the smartest,

Or go the longest,


But I promise you will be fine,

Just keep on swimming,

And you’ll still cross the finish line.

  • Author: PoeticBiscuit (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 4th, 2020 00:22
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • dusk arising

    A quite lovely poem of encouragement. Deserving of a frame and hanging in a place of prominence.

    • PoeticBiscuit

      I wrote it based on the doubt I have in myself since I’m not quite where I would like to be in life at my age. I need to understand it doesn’t matter how fast I’m accomplish my goals, as long as they are accomplished. Thanks for stopping by dusk, always a pleasure.

      • dusk arising

        Just read your reply. Be gentle with yourself and those targets. It is all to easy to spend your time achieving the targets and missing out on life. You will only be your current age for a short time and there are many things you could be doing. Beware of the risk of looking back on these years with ' i wish i had done this or that back then' time passes all to quickly.

      • Neville

        ... this is one hell of an inspirational post my friend.. just what this little fish needed today...


      • orchidee

        Good write PB. All sizes and types of fish are needed!
        Yes, sometimes meeting 'targets' can become the all-important thing. Then it just spoils things - whether targets in employment, personal life, or whatever.
        My target, if you call it that, is to sing. I not given up after 47,595 lessons! But there's no hope of improvement for me. heeehee.

      • Accidental Poet

        Have to agree with all here, and you're on the right path PB. Keep swimming and enjoy everyday for the gift that it is. ; ) AP

      • Goldfinch60

        Never give up in your way into your future delights.


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