Looking around at earth's varisome face
We often feel lost in whole masses of souls
Who surround us in life, yet appear wholly
To differ from race to indifferent race.
All seeming separate, by culture and faith
Yet when music or laughter lightens the heart
A medium is found of which all can be part
And which nothing on earth can displace.
Through looking deeper at what can combine
To produce kindred sense amongst one and all
We could do no better than awaken love's call
And forego thinking of what's yours or mine.
We belong to that known as wise humankind
With same inner life-force, red blooded veins,
Birthed by earth-mothers in grossest of pains.
So what closer kindred could we ever find ?
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: July 17th, 2020 02:32
- Comment from author about the poem: ,The moving image chosen gave me the words for today's posting........ hope you enjoy.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 28
Wonderful sentiments based upon realisation of respect for all and love of life itself. Sadly the power bases get in the way be they political or religious. I've said it before on MPS, in it's idealistic state, pure anarchy would be wonderful. But humanity is far from ready for it.
Dream ideals as we may, we are stuck with humanity in it's current state.
Having said all that, if we were all over 60, with the wisdom of our years, we could make it work.
i really like this one. i feel we are just one huge beating heart and loving energy placed in various outfits of colour and race. Inside we are one soul.your poem reflects how the world could be if we just realised the same blood flows in our veins whatever we look like outside. Diane
appreciate how loyal you kept to the natural beat of the poem,
displaying some wonderful empathetic insight,
thought provoking and sincere
Good write Fay.
The image says it all and your words bring it right home to our front door. Very well written.
Good Evening FAY - Angela here still catching up on MPS after a hard Day in the Clinic ! It is true FAY ~ we allow ourelves to be divided by Class - Country - Colour & Creed ! And yet in essesnce GENETICALLY we are ONE HUMANKIND ! Any fertile MALE (X Y) can mate & procreate with any fertile FEMALE (X X) and produce ofspring BOYS (XX) & Girls (XY) ~ AMEN ! So in essence *intermally* we are all the SAME, The same is true of the things which unite us Visual Humour & Music ! Love & Empathy are also big unifying factors ! *Lets get together an* we*ll be Alright !
Blessings & Peace & Joy
Love ~ Angela - Brian & Smokey !
Wonderful wise words Fay, if only we could make it happen - if only.
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