Gracious Goldfinch


Tune: Kingsfold

('I heard the voice of Jesus say')


Goldfinch painted by Raphael

You do your story tell

'Madonna of the Goldfinch' we

The picture thus do see

In infant hand of John [Baptist] are held

Gently, and not impelled

And too infant Jesus strokes you

A beauteous scene we view


One foot you have on John's hand graced

One on Mary's lap placed

What story do you tell of how

Red spot on your head, now

Do tell us what the legend be

You did fly from a tree

To see Christ there, He crucified

You helped Him ere He died


To do something to lift the strain

To ease the Saviour's pain

Unto His cross at Calvary

You did approach bold, free

To pluck a thorn from off His crown

You did descend, come down

As you with your beak a thorn pulled

Then this is here recalled 


That as you did so, blood, a drop

Splashed on your head atop

Sweet bird, you did there what you could

At that cruel cross of wood

Sing on still with your melody

Of the Saviour now free

Of death, He lives for evermore

He remembers you sure


The painting of 1505 is in the Uffizi, Florence.

It also shows Mary reading 'The Throne of Wisdom' book.


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 14th, 2020 01:29
  • Comment from author about the poem: Nope, not about an MPS friend, Goldie - well, it could be! A hymn-poem in metre, based on an article in a church magazine. Maybe of the genre 'Fable'. I dismiss some fables as bunkum! This seems plausible though.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 21
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  • Goldfinch60


    • orchidee

      Poem is here now. All about you?! lol.


      ANGELA HERE ~ Good Monday Uncle Steve thanks for an exce\llent HYMN to start the Day & bring us closer to GOD ! Its just what Brian & I needed in these *Days of COVID Stress & Strain* Thanks for the painting & comment thereon. Catholics are geat ones for *Religious Art* My fave is *St JOHN of the CROSS by DALI* Which Scotland bought for £4000 ! The Spanish Government recently offered them £4 millon but knowing its *True Value Spiritually* to the People of Scot,land they refusd to sell ~ AMEN. Religious Art & Legend have their place - BUT - Gods Word the Holy Bible must always reign supreme ! *The most precious BOOK in the WORLD ~ AMEN !*

      Blessings & Joy to YOU & Frisky FIDO
      Spirit Love A & B & El Gato Ahumido ! ! !

      • orchidee

        Thanks B & A & Gato.

      • Dove

        A beautiful tale, and you do justice to the goldfinch! Always well written , thanks for adding the work of art too!

        • orchidee

          Thanks R. I based some of the poem on the text of the article I read.

        • Neville

          .... Nicely poemed Orchidee 😎👍

          • orchidee

            Thanks Neville. Did you think it was about Goldie/Andy before you read it?!

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