Tune: Rockingham
('When I survey the wondrous cross')
Mark 10 v.32-34
Gathers dark cloud of destiny
Yet for world's salvation it be
Jesus and His disciples they
To Jerusalem made their way
They were amazed, followed afraid
Yet God's will, plan, was not mislaid
For He did tell disciples there
Of things that He would then in share
Saying, Behold, we now travel
To Jerusalem to fulfil
Plan and will of my Father sure
Will bring salvation evermore
For I, the Son of man shall be
Delivered to sufferings, see
From the chief priests and scribes, and they
Shall condemn Him and have their day
Shall sentence Him to death though He
Pure, spotless, and innocent be
Shall deliver Him to Gentiles
He be in their power awhiles
And they shall mock and scourge Him sore
Shall spit upon Him, hatred for
Him they shall have, shall Him e'en kill
He faces humanity's ill
But not the end, for on third day
He shall rise again, He the Way
And the Truth, and the Life of all
Who in faith believe, on Him call
orchidee (
- Published: September 15th, 2020 01:57
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. One in short series on Mark's Gospel.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 49
Good Morning Uncle Steve - Angela here (First Clinic @ 11am) Great Hymn & Bible Passage to start a busy DAY. The Hymn was one of the eight the Blessed Theresa May chose for Desert Island Discs ! Methinks we have replaced a Saint with a Charletan ! Love the passage you experience all the *TENSION of the CROSS* when you visit Jerusalem !
CHIRST has once sufered for our SINS
The Just for the Unjust
That HE might bring us back again to GOD ~ AMEN
Blessings to You & Saint Fido ~ Love
In the Spirit A & B & El Gato Ahumido ! ! !
Thanks B & A & Gato.
Doth thy count the metre upon thine fingers? Always a pleasure reading ,
Thanks R. I counted the electric or gas meter by mistake. lol.
But yes, if longer lines of say, 10 syllables or more, I may count on fingers - and toes if over 10. lol.
This event comes up more than once with Jesus and His disciples. It is sort of 'passed over' or a blur to them, and they are afraid to ask further. Some things we may not want to know? One time they squabble immediately after the sayings, as to who is the greatest disciple. Doh!
I love the countenances of the lovely choral assembly as they sing here to give glory to the Immutable Glory - the characteristics (of course which we always fall short in listing - we’re finite while He’s Infinite) flowing eloquently from your verse and stanzas.
Thanks Gary. I should not be cynical - but how many of them turned up just because it was 'Songs of Praise' - a programme shown on television in the UK?! lol.
Yes, the purity of their intentions might be in question O but I like to give all people the benefit of the doubt (as I hope He does when I approach St. Peter’s gate)!
Erm, yes, Gary. At least they were there in person, not as if ticking a box in a survey of 'This is my regular church - the one I never go to!' Doh! And a rip-roaring sing-along too.
Good one Orchi.
Thanks Gold.
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