



Time flies quicker

Than the ache it tries to shake off

In spite of that tho’

She lost count and forgot

Just how many bows

She had fashioned with black ribbon

Since they rang her, and the shit hit the fan

They call it divine intervention

Some said it was a cull

We called it slaughter ..

Some described her as a termagant

But she was still somebodies daughter

My word, she was more than just his wife

She really was unique

Two conch shells filled with Semtex

Strapped to her breasts

And yes, she was smiling, even chewing gum
Despite a dozen fallen sparrows at her feet

Tell me darling, before you go, he begged
What is the worst thing about here ..

Leaving you, she said is the worst thing by far
But I must go my love, for I am many things ..

Most of which, you do not have a clue
So kiss the kids goodbye from me ..

Pray tell them that I love them and I love you too
Those were her last words, he was able to recall ...  

  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: September 26th, 2020 06:17
  • Comment from author about the poem: ................................................... there are metaphor's & there is straight talkin .. then there are words and poetry writ based on ....
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
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  • Dove

    Interesting there! Deep and profound! You sure weave some supreme tales!
    A hint of mystery always, love it though a bit sad

    • Neville

      Yes my friend, very sad indeed ... no matter what tho, it does not go away when we close our eyes .. I am so glad though you felt able to comment here today... tis muchly appreciated and then some ..

    • MendedFences27

      Self sacrifice for what? A blatant waste of human life. A sad story indeed and I feel one regretted by all concerned.
      You have given this incident a sense of meaning and of love although both are lost in the finale.
      "We called it slaughter" is closer to the truth. Giving this a clear enlightenment may save a life or two. Heavy poetry to be sure. It takes courage to write of such things.- Phil A.

      • Neville

        Thank you kindly Phil and as always, much appreciated too.. In truth, I was not sure whether to post this or not ..

        the inspiration originally came to me during a chance meeting with the husband in a bush café when I was working as a volunteer in an African psychiatric hospital ..


      • Goldfinch60

        Strong emotive write Neville, she loved them 'til the end though.


        • Neville

          Faith hope and love make the world go round as you well know Andy .. who needs hatred, anger, lies and Semtex eh' .... Bless you my friend and enjoy what is left of the weekend ...

          ... Neville

        • L. B. Mek

          I can re-read this ten times and find ten new elements to rave about, I admit there is an element to your writing that makes it impossible for me to be impartial in judging its merits, but who cares anyway - I'm just a simple fan my friend,

          • Neville

            I am so bloomin seriously honoured that you take the time to visit my words L.B and truly can not thank you enough my fine literary friend ...

            ... Neville

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