Michaelmas Melody


Tune: Susex Carol

('On Christmas night all Christians sing')

For Michaelmas Day - St Michael And All Angels

(29th September)


Come now to the Michaelmas Fair

Take part in celebrations there

Come now to the Michaelmas Fair

Take part in celebrations there

Join in praise with angels above

Father, Son, Spirit, holy dove


Michaelmas daisy, flower see

White and gold in colour it be

Michaelmas daisy, flower be

White and gold in colour it be

The Lord's purity and glory

Displayed by Him creatively


And you vanguards of angels strong

You praise the Lord each day, night long

And you vanguards of angels strong

Your praise the Lord each day, night long

Michael your Archangel he be

Help us humans in ministry


If you do fly with golden wings

Bring unto us from God good things

If you do fly with golden wings

Bring unto us from God good things

News of salvation, gospel told

Strengthen us to be true and bold


Myriads you are. shining bright

Messengers of heavenly light

Myriads you are, shining bright

Messengers of heavenly light

Too brilliant for human sight

Help us the good fight of faith fight

  • Author: orchidee (Online Online)
  • Published: September 29th, 2020 02:06
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre, to a Ch..... tune (can't say it yet!). I don't know much about actual Michaelmas Fairs. The daisies are like those in the pic above the clip, not the pic in the header. They are like asters - not always white and gold (verse 2).
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 45
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  • Neville

    enjoyed .. now back to bed .. night night

    • orchidee

      Thanks N.

    • Fay Slimm.

      Michaelmas explained very well
      - - thanking you Orchi.

      • orchidee

        Thanks Fay.

      • Goldfinch60

        Good one Orchi, pity about the C word before December!!

        • orchidee

          Thanks Gold.

        • MendedFences27

          O.K., so I asked my wife (a Sussex girl) if she knew the song, and she did not. But then, she's not exactly an exemplary Christian, after all she married me. She has a lot of explaining to do. Where was the recording made ( Cathedral? Church? ). She guessed at Chichester.
          Your poem ,I must assume, aligns with the celebrations of that time of year. Your message comes through loud and clear. It brings much needed hope at these trying times. Thanks for lifting our spirits with some Christmas cheer. - Phil A.

          • orchidee

            Thanks M. It's the Royal Albert Hall in London. I meant Michaelmas cheer really! This was the tune that came to me at the time of writing. A bit whimsical about the Fair, but the rest of the poem is true.

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