There I was all prepared,
Just waiting for the time
When the A.G.M. would start.
All was prepared by me
So I could attend this meeting,
This meeting on Zoom,
The meeting where minutes are taken,
But where hours are wasted!
Then came that ‘phone call,
I had to take it,
It was from my best friend.
So we spoke and put the world to right
For over an hour, maybe two.
Once we said our good byes
I looked at the time,
And realised that I had missed it,
Missed the meeting,
So I just sat there thinking,
Thinking what a shame,
With a big smile on my face.
- Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) ( Offline)
- Published: October 11th, 2020 01:24
- Comment from author about the poem: Just a smile for a Sunday morning.
- Category: Humor
- Views: 38
these things are sent to try us ... and sometimes, they just make our day .. dont they just ... mine is not starting out too badly after all ......
I hope you have a great day Neville.
ANGELA HERE - Good Sunday UNCLE ANDY ! Your Cool *Piano & Sax* and apt Poem sure brought a smile to our faces ! Brian is on BREAKFAST DUTY but He is lovin* and foot tappin* to the JAZZ ! CONFUSIUS He say *Everything is better than a MEETING - especially when its on ZOOM !*
Blessings & Joy to You & Yours
Love Angela & Brian & Smokey ! ! !
Yes, why are they called Minutes, if the waffle goes on for hours?!
We had Meetings and sub-Meetings (sub groups). Oohh, didn't they just love their meetings. Where was the time to do the actual work?
Did they have any meetings to plan 1066?
The only meeting we had was the meeting of the arrow and Harold's eye when you told him to look up.
Sir Andy of Rioja
Pleasure fills our days, we choose what We enjoy best, if joy carries us away for a minute, and we miss something else, at least It wasn’t time wasted. Smilez
It certainly wasn't, friends are so important especially in these times.
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