
Fay Slimm.





Festooned round
        skilfully sentenced evasion           
never deeper
than experienced phrasing
lies counterfeit
cunning methods known as
unmeant affection.

Playing at love is a divisive
two-faced game
based on arrant deception.

Vows that are fake
never stand time's intense
scrutiny for real
care knows trust can break
when being misled
by contrival's appearance.

Better by far to exclude lies
and contemplate first
a lover's needs in providing
regard for worthier
and believable commitment
knowing action speaks
louder than any mere words.



  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 23rd, 2020 03:00
  • Comment from author about the poem: I thought the strong statement in the chosen picture needed a bit more explanation - hence the verse. Hope you enjoy.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 67
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  • L. B. Mek

    Indeed! Although, our dilemma - at least initially, rests with the fact that words come before actions - usually, and we're forced to take their heart's supposed fealty to our hope's: at face value, or risk being landlocked with the abundance of insecurity that threatens to drown us completely...
    good write Fay, another timeless nugget of wisdom shared

    • Fay Slimm.

      Thanks a load my friend - - I am pleased that like me you saw a nugget or two of wisdom in the quote on the image........... it certainly urged me to dig a little deeper with my few words on Commitment.

    • orchidee

      A fine write Fay.

      • Fay Slimm.

        Bless you dear Orchi for your visit and read.

      • ANGELA & BRIAN

        Angela here - Good Evening FAY - Thank you for a very Thought Provoking Poem on the very important topic of COMMITMENT. In my experience Ladies are generally more sincere about Commitment in Love than Men ! I guess its a BIOLOGICALLY based drive to ensure the next generation ! I had some suitors who were much more interested in my *BODY* than my *HEART*. Fortunately BRIAN was very different ! He was sensual but never Sexual and was very interested in Me as a fellow Human Being not just *Another Dolly* ! From our *First Date* He showed a higher level of commitment & interest than I had ever met before in a Man ! We were *Soul Mates* from the start & still are ~ AMEN

        Blessings - Love ~ Joy & Peace
        Angela - Brian & Smokey 💛💛💛

        • Fay Slimm.

          Yes there are plenty who interest themselves more in body than in heart - - so very pleased you found someone who was different and able to love you as a wonderful human being........... thanks dear friend for your in-put to my few words on Commitment.

        • Bragee

          OH! How I've missed your writing in my absence!

          • Fay Slimm.

            How very kind of you to say my work has been missed dear poet-friend..... so pleased you are now back and enjoying this friendly poetry-site.

          • dusk arising

            Well now I realise you see me for the ingenuine beast i really am. Totally a womaniser with all the smooth lines and tricks to win favour and sate my lustful desires... oh hang on... no,.... those have faded into memories now....
            I guess i'm just that has-been rogue.
            But sssshhh, don't let on.

            • Fay Slimm.

              You are though dear friend a loveable rogue who I see cannot be anything like those with no care for others and who writes some commendably expressive poetry on diverse subjects. Keep that ink flowing D.A.

              • dusk arising

                Assuredly, my pen is where my heart is. In as much as we see the brokenhearted young express their deep felt angst at heartbreak, it is just as heartfelt for me to have found a channel to express my emotions in this wonderful world of free poetry. Here i find understanding, and compassion alongside repulsion and aggression. What more could a person of words ask for?

              • myself and me

                "believable commitment
                knowing action speaks
                louder than any mere words"
                can't agree more.

              • Goldfinch60

                Such true words Fay, we must commit and always be true to that commitment especially in love.


              • Neville

                wow... now let this be a lesson to all you would be philanderers and fibbers out there ...

                The truth always outs in the end ya louts .... Brilliant poem today our Fay

                • Fay Slimm.

                  Ha- - your lighthearted comment was just what I needed and left me with a massive smile - - yup them louts need a bit o stick when they spout words they dont mean eh ? - -- thanking you Nev as always and muchly........x

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