Silent as the Grave (A Poem on the Dourest of Halloweens (2020))


All we can do is twitch the curtains,

To hopefully see some movement,

But no such luck, as we’re cooped up,

No omen of any improvement.


Though some of you will smile,

As you’ll rest, after your door locking,

For the rules dictate that assuredly,

There won’t be any door knocking.


So, the sweets will remain in the tin,

Acting as the dead that lay in dirt,

As sanctified division prolongs

With our social hurt.


Certain girls can only “tart it up”

In the confines of their home,

A “one woman gothic fashion show”,

Not much of a merry tome.


Ghoulish specials are on the box,

But you’ve seen it all before,

Thus, you turn it off, to drink fake blood,

And reflect upon the floor.


Then you’ll pick up a newspaper,

Reminding you of true horror,

That every day is now the same,

What’s today, is now tomorrow.


Though these things add up,

To make a sorry morbid list,

This thing in the air won’t last,

We have a duty to persist.


But until we see that light,

We are told to behave,

So, no cackles, no howls,

Be as silent as the grave.

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 1st, 2020 08:18
  • Comment from author about the poem: Hi everyone, hope that you are all keeping well in the neverending, confusing, frustrating and horrifying ordeal that is Covid-19. Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I have been understandably busy; both personally and professionally, but I am back now with the hope to keep the posts more frequent. For my first post in a while, I give you a belated Halloween poem, outlining the despair of not being able to properly celebrate Halloween / Samhain, but with the obvious statement that this pandemic will not last forever, and that we need to keep our chins up and stay strong. Hope you enjoy, and please do take care.
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 37
  • User favorite of this poem: arobot.
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  • jarcher54

    tart it up--we don't say it that way in the USA but I laughed. I wonder how many horror movies they'll make based on the pandemic theme?

    • AuburnScribbler

      Glad to hear that turn of phrase got a chuckle, and that you enjoyed the poem. I would very much like to know what turn of phrase you would use in that situation in the US.

      Also yes, a myriad of Covid based movies await us, though something tells me that they could all be clones of 28 Days Later, we sit in bated breath.

      Anyway, take care, keep safe, and stay sane.

    • Goldfinch60

      The sweets and fruit were ready for the witches and wizards when they knocked on the door but nobody knocked this year.

      Good to see you back


      • AuburnScribbler

        Thanks Andy, hope all is well in your neck of these wicked woods.

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