Groan (up)

Aa Harvey

Groan (up)



Age is a shame when it comes to love.

It reaches a point where you just give up,

But the heart’s desire keeps setting on fire,

Every time you meet someone who lifts you higher.



I’m feeling too old to love her or flirt.

She desires another and I am left to hurt.

My heart wants to love whilst she just wants fun.

I wish I could, once more be young.



I want marriage.  She wants to party.

I’ve had enough, while she’s just getting started.

I could be right for her as she is wrong for me.

She is so beautiful.  She is my need.



I have to move on, be gone!  I’m no fun.

A setting sun remembers being young.

My thoughts haven’t changed,

Still wanting the same.

Marriage is the way,

But not today.



(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


  • Author: Aa Harvey (Online Online)
  • Published: November 6th, 2020 05:28
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 9
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  • L. B. Mek

    good write!
    I like the multiple perspectives you're depicting within the one voice, capturing a very natural element of our unfiltered thought processes

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