I (BRIAN) AM AN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST. For the past four Years I have been appalled at the Ignorance of TRUMP - In respect of Environmental Science - and the deleterious effect his Policies are having not only on *America the Beautiful* but the whole of Planet Earth ~ the only Living Planet we are aware of. If we destroy it - there is nowhere else to go ! You will enjoy the VIDEO ! These are just TEN of the Places Uncle Joe wants to conserve for the Whole World. I have visited most of them and they are all unique. JOE BIDEN has focused on SEVEN Trump Environmental Issues he seeks to legislate against in January 2021 to reverse the Environmental Damage and restore Environmental Sanctity ! Love to ALL ~ Angela - Brian - Smokey ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Is this really something USA could do ?
It will cost MONEY ~ but please don*t be thrifty
Only the DEMOCRATS can see this through !
Which strove to keep Global Warm ~ below ONE point FIVE C
JOE will revive it ~ when He*s in the WHITE HOUSE
That seems a wise move to ANGELA & ME !
Firms using FOSSIL FUELS ~ protected all by GR * MP
Will now be penalised by Uncle JOE
AMERICA making the Whole World a Global Dump
BIDEN will slow down ~ The Air Pollutants Flow !
Will by RENEWABLES ~ Now be replaced
Wind Power - Solar - Hydro ~ also Nuclear ~ Oil & Coal & Gas will all go away
Dire effects of GLOBAL WARMING ~ NOW ~ wont have to be faced !
USA has some Precious ~ Wild Open Spaces ~ National Parks
JOE will protect them ALL from GER * MP Development Sharks
He wants to Conserve ~ Third of Water & of Land
Fossil Fuel prospecting ~ will all now be BANNED !
Green planning ~ dispose Effluent for the Future they*d Planned
Air ~ Water ~ Land Pollution ~ they tried to CONCEAL
Things over which SL * MP ~ had his head ~ firmly in the SAND !
JOE wants for all of the USA *A very Level Field of Play*
*Low Energy Industries in Low Income Domains*
A New *Environment / Climate Division* to keep Pollution @ Bay
And gain GLOBAL RESPECT for USA once again ~ AMEN !
Thanks for visit comments welcome ~ Love Angela ๐งก Brian ๐
Another TERM of TR * MP would have worsened all these ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ! One very Environmentally Active TERM for the DEMOCRATS can rectify them ! Two (or several more) TERMS can restore Environmental Equilibrium and reduce Global Warming to ZERO ~ AMEN ! TR * MP may have perished in the POLLS but (alas) TRUMPISM is alive and well and living in the KENTUCKY COAL MINES ! Vote DEMOCRAT and make AMERICA really Globally Great Again ~ AMEN !
ANGELA & BRIAN (Pseudonym) (
- Published: November 11th, 2020 00:50
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 28
- Users favorite of this poem: Nafis Light
A fine write B&A. It would have become The Land of Tr*mpton Dodgy Barnet!
GUT MITWOK ONKEL STEVE ! Thanks for your encouraging riposte. One may ask *WHO ARE THE 7O MILLION WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP* and WHAT were they voting for ? They were voting to make (& keep) America Great Again *NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY or SOCIALLY* BUT ~ Economically ~ Politically ~ Selfishly & Agressively / Militalliatrstically ~ Riding roughshod over Ethnic Minorities - Females & Anyone who got in Trumps Way ! GOD - who had allowed the USA a *Taste of Trump* but gave JOE & MALALA - 74 million Popular Votes and a siizable Majority in the Electoral College. The GOOD BOOK (Hosea 8 v 7) says of TRUMP *He who sows a Wind ~ Will reap a Whirlwind* and He surely HAS ~ In everybodies eyes ~ but his own ~ which are *BLIND to the TRUTH* ~ AMEN !
Blessings & Lasting JOY to YOU & Beautiful BOY
Spirit Love ~ A & B & El Gato Ahumido ๐๐๐
That's too many syllables! lol. It's 'militaristically' I think. Well, Fido says too. He should know, even if I don't. lol.
Bitte Mein Onkel Steve ~ Thanks for SPELLO correction ! You should know by now that *Those born within sight & sound of the LIVER CLOCK* always spell FANATICA LLY !*
Blessing to you & Fussy FIDO
Spirit Love A & B & C ๐งก๐๐ค
For the sake of the planet we live in hope - at least now there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.
Good Wednesday ~ Uncle Mike ~ thanks for your positive Riposte. America is the third largest producer of Greenhouse Gases in the World. Another TERM (4 years) of Trump could have tipped the Balance to Global Disaster. We cannot predict what the *Tipping Point* will be ~ BUT ~ WE are CLOSE ! JOE & MALALA are the Chosen Couple (by the Sane Majority of the USA) to bury & reverse TRUMPISM ~ FOREVER ~ AMEN !
Blessings & Peace to You & Prayers for JEANNE
Love Angela - Brian & Smokey ๐๐๐๐๐
Cheers A&B don't forget to look in on my posting: Poem for a Winter's Night.
BUENAS NOCHES~ UNCLE BILL ~ Thanks for your OPTIMISTIC riposte ! With the narrow rejection - of TRUMP - 74 to70 million in the Popular Vote ~ & (what is more important USA-wise) 270+ Electoral College votes ~ Uncle Joe & Malala are irirversably P & VP of the USA until January 2025 ! There is time to reverse TRUMPOLLUTION especially if J & M get a Second Term (to January 2029) ! American Pollution has a very delitarious effect GLOBALLY ~ It will be REDUCED ~ AMEN. Each Amercan has EIGHT times the SPACE each Brit has ~ so She should be building DOORS and not WALLS ~ LET FREEDOM REIGN ~ AMEN !
Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela - Brian - Smokey ๐๐๐
'Hope you are right.....I mean Left...oh you know what I mean....?
Love all that you put in this work.
Just two things:
- Trump is/was not the real problem. He's just the pus on top of the carbuncle. No good only removing the pus, strong antibiotics and other interventions needed in addition.
= How do you bring the 70 mill or whatever Trump loyalists around? No use hitting them over the head with Global Warming (something about which I worry - although I personally will probably be out of here by then!) Have a go at that in your next communique.
Just one further thought: What the hell has a SOCIETY got going for it with a populace loaded to the gunnels with guns and a head of state who can only be in that position if he's loaded (with cash)?
Regards Dave
Good Morning a DAVE ~ Brian here ~ its always good to have a dialogue with a MAN from OZ ! I visited SYDNEY ~ wih my Parents in January 2000 to see the Olympic Site & the Blue Mountains etc etc. Loved the City - The Bridge - The Opera House & the People etc etc. In my experience Aussies take life *Just Seriously Enough* but are always laid back enough to enjoy it !
Angela is 32 & I am 37 so we hope to still be alive in 2070 so *Care of the Environment* is a big issue for us and our (as yet unconceived) Children.
The 70 million did not vote for TRUMP as a Person but for the White ~ Patriarchal ~ Economy Focussed ~ Republican Party ! Had TRUMP been a Gorilla *no slur on Gorillas* the *Blinkered 70M* would still have voted REPUBLIC ! Having been born in LIVERPOOL i am a Socialist and therefore would (if I was an American) have always voted DEMOCRAT ! Its true you do have to be a SENIOR & A Millionaire to run for President of the USA ~ BUT ~ Joe Biden is a very different Millionaire than TRUMP and therein lies my HOPE for the next four YEARS ~ AMEN
Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love A & B & Smokey Cat ! ! !
Hello A & B & S the C
Thanks for your response Brian. Wasn't sure I'd get one. You have the timeline right for this side of the earth - morning it is indeed.
I admire your enthusiasm, I really do; I just can't can't agree with much of it.
Sydney has been quite kind to me so I shouldn't carp.... but I don't cross the bridge and I don't live in the Opera House. What I do is live in very comfortable over 55's accommodation that given the time I entered was/is very affordable indeed. Comfortable on my pension that is part State and part UK. Which isn't true for large numbers of Sydney's inhabitants many of whom are under extreme mortgage stress and have been for years(not just recently.) As for the young - I've dealt with their plight in a previous entry ('Inscription Plus...') so I won't repeat myself. Finally, before I move on: Where did you meet that Aussie? Must have been luck. Sydney, like most other 'western' cities is now very multi ethnic (this is not good, not bad, just is!) All day, apart from my next door neighbours I don't deal with any Aussies. Good fun!
Just the politics here I can't stand....
And to the substantive Issues: I think you are right in that the majority of trump voters were rusted on Republicans, but it's the extras who got him over the line, it's those extras ( some of them) who have turned back to Biden since trump hasn't provided a cure for their ills. What ills? This post is already too long so I'll leave you to work that out. Goes back to the need for strong antibiotics and other interventions I mentioned earlier..
Take care team A & B & S the C.
we can all but hope he has a few success' before his tenure is over, though carbon emission's is now becoming a jargon term for environmental politics propaganda, there is noting less understood and/or more complex than Nature's weather, so assuming minimising carbon which in itself plays such a small role in the makeup of our weather systems: is just misinformed 'sound bite' activism at its best,
please don't misunderstand me and excuse my judgemental tone, reducing CO2 emissions is indeed a helpful start, but still far from addressing the real issues our future generation's have to overcome,
as always an enjoyably informative and necessary write!
BRIAN HERE ~ Good Afternoon Friend ~ Thnaks for your comment Objective & Challenging as always ! JOE & MALALA will make a big difference in One Term (4 Y) and will reverse TRUMPISM in TWO (8 Y). If to a Climatic Sysytem in Equilibrium a Constraint is applied (such as CO2 increase) the Climatic System move in such a way (Global Temperature rise) as to oppose the Constraint and restore Equilibrium. The consequences of unchecked Global Warming are irreversible and will make Planet Earth UNIHABITABLE for MAN and there is nowhere else to GO ! H. SAPIENS ~ through technology ~ has opted out of the Natural Food Chains & Food Cycles and has created a Technological World which is gradually destroying the Natural World. There is no check on the Human Population (apart from viuruses !). The Human Population has increased more than tenfold in the last 300 Years and is still increasing exponentially. Urbanisation ~ Deforestation ~ Trumpism etc etc are all increasing Global Warming ~ The Developed Hi-tech World must wake up and appreciate that ~ Globally People matter more than Production & Peace more than Prosperity ~ AMEN ! Angela (32) & I (37) expect to still be alive in 2070 (82 & 87). We believe that the TRUMPING of TRUMP is *One small step for Mankind* to ensure we still (50 years hence) have a Planet ~ still fit to live on ~ AMEN !
Love & Peace to You & Yours
Angela - Brian - Smokey ! ! !
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