Shadows & reflections


Just being alive we've made our sacrifice.

To find ourselves amidst the strive of survival in search of a universal symbol for our struggle, momentos of hope and a sense of renewal. 

Only casualties emerge from this live rehearsal, we surface to take a role and put on a good show.
Playing our part in this carnival with the heart of a wounded animal.
Touched by all things physical.

Our dreams are an enchantment of starlight
passions in flight with light spilling over the horizon
catching a cool breeze of wisdom as the wave washes over our being. A spark in the dark shsdows of existence.

Yet we wait, for our vision to be realised to see with our own eyes
hopes unfolding.
In transition from becoming to belonging.
Instinct and feeling for what can be held and experienced.
These punctuation marks of living, breathing foundations of expression, that mould our impressions of resistance and persuasion
Conditioning our senses to predict sequences and effects.
Struggles and regrets.

Night time breeds freedom from the logic of reason. Liberty for dreaming, imagination riding wild on the wings of fortune.
Stirring winds whisper of a change in the heavens opening doorways to new dimensions.
knowledge growing from it's own meaning blossoms.
Clouds form and unfold like fashion in the ebb and flow of natural patterns.
Sensations build hypnotic waves of rhythm, pulsing to new heights of perception then breaking on the many splintered things of ambition.
Senses entangling twisting emotions through reflection and animation.
Spiralling again and again in a timeless evolution from something to nothing.

  • Author: RDS (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 21st, 2020 04:06
  • Comment from author about the poem: This was previously published in an anthology and one I perform on open mic/slam events. I consider it one of my 'signature' poems and one of my best but any feedback will be appreciated.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 45
  • Users favorite of this poem: Fay Slimm., Poetic Dan
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  • Fay Slimm.

    What an emotive write about all things experienced by humans who determined to try are tossed by life's trials. You capture so well our chains of conditioning. A treasure of poetic words flowing with reasons to keep up the struggle to transmute from being to belonging and thank you for sharing it. Into my list of favourites goes Shadows and Reflections.

    • RDS

      Thank you for the high praise Fay. Life stirs us to expression and at best we can hope to reflect a little of the brilliance and torments we grow through. Its a pleasure to leave this here where there are minds to contemplate the hopes and fears we share

    • orchidee

      Good write RDS.
      It's said on here - the only torment ya gotta fear is me singing! heehee.

      • RDS

        Thank you orchidee, very considerate, I however, still imagine my voice is like larksong, a near equal compliment to my surroundings!

      • Neville

        emotionally charged, ragged and real.. this is one of those rare posts that reminds me of why I first fell in love with poetry ...........


      • RDS

        Thank you Neville, I think that's what I'm after, a kind of roller-coaster ride.

      • Goldfinch60

        Very good words RDS, we live our lives in this up and down world but in time we find our way to belong in our world and then we can look forward to the good life that we have earned.


        • RDS

          Thanks Andy we just have to hold on and enjoy the ride inasmuch as we can make sense of the feelings we're experiencing! Sometimes it's the roller coaster or a familiar stroll. We can learn from it all.
          Thanks for the read and comments.

        • Samreen Chowdhury

          wow, this is a great write! Your use of superlatives really engaged me in the spiritual take of this beautiful poem. every sensation in life is indeed reflective and thrilling in a sense, life itself is an emotional rollercoaster and this poem enacted as an epitome of the meaning of life!

          • RDS

            Thanks Samreen it is one of my rare polished best. I am inspired by the metaphysical poets and mystical verse so this kind of falls out of that love. I appreciate your detailed feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

          • Poetic Dan

            I hit save after 2 seconds in my friend... Even had to take a deep breath, not sure if I'm ready for this after the last one but I'm tears say face that fear!! As it was the "wounded animal" that brought the goosebumps and now I see my fight or flight in front of me.... Shit I'm 5 again at 5 on the morning, dude this is truly trippy lol

            You truly give from the soul!! And here I goooooo

            • RDS

              Wow glad you enjoyed another Poetic Dan. You've left me the challenge of catching up with even your comments. I just keep writing as it comes until it looks like something worth reading out loud.
              Stay creative bud.

            • Poetic Dan

              Wow...... Don't stop my friend please!

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