New Jerusalem Joys


Tune: Regent Square

('Lord of beauty, thine the splendour')

Revelation 21 v.22-27


New Jerusalem, the city

There no need of temple be

For the Lord God He Almighty

And the Lamb (Christ) the temple be

Holy dwelling, inhabitants

God's presence they know and sense


And there no need of sun or moon

To shine in it to illume

For the glory of God its light

Shines there eternally bright

Here the Rapture, sin, dark, gloom gone

Presence strong of Christ the Son


The nations of them which are saved

Shall walk in that light, it paved

By the Lamb, He be God's own Son

Salvation for all has won

Rulers of the earth do bring their

Honour, glory there to share


The gates of of it shall not shut be

By day, and no night there, see

Honour, glory of the nations

They shall bring into it, sons

And daughter of light shall reisde

There, for ever shall abide


Nothing at all that does defile

Nor of abominable

Nor no lies. these things not enter

Into that city, 'tis sure

Only they that are written in

Lamb's book of life, without sin




  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 20th, 2020 03:13
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre. Time for a bit of Rapture!
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 35
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  • Robert Southwick Richmond

    Some readers will know the tune REGENT SQUARE as a Christmas carol beginning "Angels from the realms of glory" (Episcopal hymnal 93, UMC hymnal 220). Long meter with refrain, or 87.87.87. Your text doesn't follow this meter.

  • Robert Southwick Richmond

    Oops - forgot you're in the UK. Hymns Ancient & Modern Revised 279 and 573. All my references to the tune have different texts.

    • orchidee

      I'm probably in A&M book! The 'Angels' hymn makes do with its first line as the Hymn and tune name, in some cases. I don't know all this off-hand. I look up hymn sites, etc.

      • Robert Southwick Richmond

        I have hard copies of the hymnals I mentioned, so I looked them up there. I'm a shape note singer, so I have a shelf full of such things.

      • FredPeyer

        Orchi, I don't have a clue about meters, 8-7, 15-21, or any other numbers. I just like the way you write!

        • orchidee

          Thanks Fred. Oh, 'metre' is just the name of how many syllables per line, I think. It's like bingo sometimes, if there is a Chorus included too - all them numbers.

        • Robert Southwick Richmond

          I have to know about hymn metrics, because I'm a shape note singer, and occasionally write new texts for old tunes, and more often read (and sing) other people's. I know one singer who's translating English hymns into Esperanto. My knowledge of Esperanto is fairly minimal, but I sing them and then tell him I think they work.

          • orchidee

            I don't get as far as shape notes!

          • Goldfinch60

            Good one Orchi.

            In spite of what Robert has said I can sing the words quite easily to the tune, so you are correct.


            • orchidee

              Thanks Gold. Though, yes, there is that 'Regent Square' tune name to the 'Angels....' hymn. I don't enough about music to say more.

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