
Fay Slimm.





Love is
like a fine thread
with an unknown presence,
so sings Youth with resentful air
while Age looks on with experienced care
knowing Love never regrets what
dreams turn into, or not,
for self-fulfilled
Love is.

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 29th, 2020 06:07
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 39
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Comments +


  • Suresh


    • Fay Slimm.

      Thank you Suresh - Love is just this I do agree.

    • L. B. Mek

      'so sings Youth with resentful air
      while Age looks on with experienced care'
      words as bitterly soothing as that first sip of Captain Morgan on a lonely Winter's night - aside all the heat a household has to yield,
      and yet: remaining a statuesque figurine of Arctic skin - to the touch,
      wrapped in all the remnants of a life's could-(a), would-(a) and most certainly should-(a),
      with only that furnace of love's memory's to fuel, those pulsed anchors to what good life has left offer...
      simply beautiful dear Fay, thank you for inspiring my little scribble reply

      • Fay Slimm.

        Thank you for your generous comment on Fulfilled - you are most encouraging to my humble efforts L.B.

      • orchidee

        A fine write Fay

        • Fay Slimm.

          Many thanks for your visit dear Orchi.

        • dusk arising

          Such true learned words from our favourite poet who radiates the truth she writes today.

          The excellence of this piece .... well it's outstanding.... and you even made it into a symetrical shape on the screen/page.

          A must for my favourites and i must add that, were i to bind my favourites into a book, then this would be the frontispiece.

          • Fay Slimm.

            I am doubly honoured that you feel so moved by my few words on Fulfilled and that this little verse is in your list of favourites my friend -- many sincere thanks for your continued support D.A.

          • Neville

            well, well, well
            well conceived, well crafted and very well executed .. well done our Fay.. x

            • Fay Slimm.

              Well I do declare I am bowled over by all these wells - - you are more than kind and thanking you muchly Nev.

            • Jerry Reynolds

              Really nice Fay.

              • Fay Slimm.

                Glad you enjoyed the read Jerry.

              • Goldfinch60

                So true Fay, Love is.


                • Fay Slimm.

                  Many thanks Andy for all your encouragement - Happy New Year my friend.

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