
dusk arising




hope lifts it's head
and shakes off the sleepiness of recent months
caught the sun shining
caught movement in post lockdown streets
cast a smile of recognition
across a frame long aching to achieve

looked a stranger in the eye
and saw the smiling eyes above covid's mask
humanity returns to the streets
same old dog barking
same old springtime new growth on the trees
same old same old
thank goodness for the same old same old

  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 9th, 2021 18:20
  • Comment from author about the poem: Them thats got shall have....Them thats not shall lose....So the Bible said and it still is news....Mama may have, Papa may have....But God bless the child thats got his own....Thats got his own...... ...... Billie Holiday 1939
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
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  • Goldfinch60

    Thank good ness that we are slowly crawling back to the old life - although somewhat changed.


  • jarcher54

    A nice thought for spring time... like the old is new again! Maybe we won't take it all for granted this time.

  • orchidee

    Good write Dusk.

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