Negative in Blue


Negative in Blue

It was no big secret

She was so much more


Just a negative in blue

Leaning soft against

A hard  

Honey yellow marble


Surprisingly still cool

Despite the rays


It was there

Her sun shocked hair

Fell loose

And still wet

From dancing in and out

Of waves

Later though they both


On fallen fruit

And then did nothing

Except make love

And counted sunny days ..



  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 9th, 2021 17:03
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 84
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  • Jerry Reynolds

    Wow, Neville that leaves me wanting more. Nicely written.

    • Neville

      .................... how very kind of you Jerry .. many thanks sir, and muchly appreciated ............ Neville

    • dusk arising

      Your lines are as artistically, knowingly loaded brushes painting from a palet of a lovers pastel life onto a canvas of teased illusion in my mine of recollected picturescapes.

      I find your poetry the most romantic. Time after time you encapsulate both a melacholy and a grandeur of loves lasting rewards.

      • Neville

 extraordinarily kind of you my literary friend, what a wonderfully encouraging and heart-warming review ... thank you both kindly and true ..

        .. Neville

      • Goldfinch60

        May those sunny days be with you forever Neville.


        • Neville

          ................... now that would be something wouldn't it ... thank you for those kind words Andy ..
          ... All Good Things to you too sir ... Neville

        • orchidee

          A fine write Neville.
          This the same lass, or a different one? And should I meet this one?! lol.

          • Neville

            this is a different one altogether Mr. O ... and I regret to inform you that she is now well n truly married to an ex police officer and has three children .. all grown up ... we are however, still in touch every now and again ...............................

            • orchidee

              Ahh, can't meet that one then. You know plenty I could meet - if it's not too much for me?!

            • Fay Slimm.

              A brilliant example of intriguing imagery written to tease our sense again with scenes of sheer romance - - great stuff for a Monday morn........x

              • Neville

                ....................... thank you kindly and ever so truly dear lady Fay ..................... I do hope your Monday is being as kind to you .. as mine is to me
                ... Neville ...................................................... x

                • Fay Slimm.

                  Tis being kind to m - - yes - 'tis that indeed my chivalrous friend...........x

                • L. B. Mek

                  'It was there
                  Her sun shocked hair
                  Fell loose
                  And still wet
                  From dancing in and out
                  Of waves'..
                  this is when Poetry, transcends
                  and demeans words like Beautiful
                  meaninglessly: incompetent, as praise...
                  (Truly a sumptuous read, my friend!)
                  Sensuality inked with such Immersive imagery
                  encapsulated in that wholesome Quality
                  of respectfully humane, Decency

                  • Neville

                    ........... thank you L.B ... I am once again struck dumb and unable to articulate adequately how much your words mean to this old scribe ..............

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Definitely makes it imperative to continue to monitor blood pressure, Neville...... For me a very visual piece.

                    • Neville

                      ... yes ... please do continue to monitor your blood pressure DD .. but remember, it is way better to have high blood pressure than to have no blood pressure ... Oh' n much appreciated too sir ..... ... ... ... Neville

                    • SureshG

                      Dangerously close to the eroticism of the mind -

                      • Neville

                        ... Then I am more than most appropriately honoured my friend and I thank you, not only for visiting these words, but for your generous review note and bolstering my confidence as a would be scribe ...

                        ... Neville

                        • SureshG

                          ‘would be.....” you crossed this threshold a million miles ago, so thank you for enriching us.

                        • Caring dove

                          Good choice of words , ) I liked how this flowed with ease . Very well expressed

                          • Neville

                            Thank you so very much my lovely yellow friend .. appreciated no end ............................ 🙂

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