
Fay Slimm.





Stalked in tall greenery, cupped as itself,
bud-tight but becoming
slowly unfurled petaled perfection opens
to show in this single rose
tender attention, strongly fragile its scent 
from a distance out-faces
with essence relevant questions on hold.


Scent-soaked written poetry will vibrate
as this clandestine rose
speaks its message from faraway hands
and treasured more
by intention to gently perfume our fated
attraction with no 
doubt on how love's sweet destiny stands.

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 10th, 2021 04:34
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 54
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  • dusk arising

    The flowering of a young maiden bloom. Scented and bejewelled with colour blossoms into fertility.
    Tickled by beeswing vibrations then tenderly touched for silent moments.

    The private life of one blossom among many which adorn our gardens.

    • Fay Slimm.

      You got it in one Dusk - the musty scent of a maiden's essence at receiving a rosebud........ so glad you enjoyed her reflection of what fated attraction that flower meant.

    • Neville

      if its okay with you ... I'm gonna roll with Dusk Arising's take on these exquisite words you have gifted us today ... the old fella seems to have taken the words outa my mouth, so he did ...................

      I do by the way, only very rarely use the E word these days ... but it seems quite relevant in this case

      .... Neville

      • Fay Slimm.

        'Tis O.K. indeed to reiterate our D's feeling on Relevant dear Nev. - - am feeling twice honoured with that rarely used E. word and thank you most sincerely mon ami ...............x

      • Jerry Reynolds

        Beautiful morning read, Fay.

        • Fay Slimm.

          Am sincerely glad for your morning read and comment on Relevant dear Jerry - thank you loads.

        • AuburnScribbler

          A beautifully written poem here Fay, a pair of powerful stanzas acting as a true homage to nature.

          Bravo, and I hope all is well.

          • Fay Slimm.

            All is well thank you on this Spring morning A.S. - - gratitude for dropping by for a read and for your encouraging comment on Relevant.

          • PrEm Ji

            Scent of life's garden in fourteen lines!

            • Fay Slimm.

              You are so kind and very supportive thank you dear Prem - - so pleased you enjoyed my fourteen lines on relevance of flowers when sent by an admirer - - only from my poetic mind I might add - after I saw the picture I used.

            • Trenz Pruca

              Great image. Your response to Dusk's comment is a poem in itself.

              • Fay Slimm.

                Why thank you for such a kind thought Trenz - - - and another big thank you for stopping by for a read of Relevant.

              • Goldfinch60

                The beauty opening into life as time passes. Wonderful words Fay.

                Fabulous Emma Sandys picture, she certainly has a Pre-Raphaelite style about her works of art.


              • L. B. Mek

                'Scent-soaked written poetry will vibrate
                as this clandestine rose
                speaks its message from faraway hands'..
                Poetic immersivity - worded, as-ever: so quintessentially decadent!
                memorably indulgent reading, dear Fay
                thank you

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