Haemorrhoid Cream


Those silly fools, are on their soap boxes again,

They think their words are candy, but I’m not buying it!

When I listen to their gruel, I just laugh and cry,

But I won’t do it too much, as my little friend may die,

Has anybody got any haemorrhoid cream!?


I carefully use the tabloids; as my toilet paper,

After I try to chew down on that claggy church wafer,

When I read these sale pitches, I just laugh and cry,

But, oops there he goes again, my little friend has died,

Has anybody got any haemorrhoid cream!?


Those yobbo youths in packs, repeat all the while,

As they ride their bikes on the path, and spray upon the tiles,

When I read what they have put, I just laugh and cry,

And yes, you’ve guessed it buddy, my little friend has died,

Has anybody got any haemorrhoid cream!?  

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 10th, 2021 09:49
  • Comment from author about the poem: With the electoral vote just passed in the UK, I thought I'd write a poem underlining the fact that in general, and quite bluntly, it is a right old pain in the butt! Thus sometimes you can only look after yourself, and in this case "a little friend" who is always in constant danger, due to such painful pressure. This poem also has an explicit version, (a set of lyrics), that was a potential idea for my band. Of course, no accompanying picture for this one, as it might ruin your breakfast, lunch or dinner. I hope that you enjoy the poem, and as always, please stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 31
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  • Goldfinch60

    I have some Ben but it is nearly run out, I will have to get some more.


    • AuburnScribbler

      Bless you Andy for stocking up, thank you for the read, and I hope all is well!

    • L. B. Mek

      and 'they' say Anarchy - is dead, too...
      some choice wording, for sure, lol
      'this is when a quick Pint in your local
      makes the difference, between
      ranting and raving, all night
      and a grunted exhale, as acceptance
      so as: to prevail...

      • AuburnScribbler

        Thank you for the read L. B. Mek, and your example of a little visit to the pub "punch"-uates the sentiment very well, hope all is well.

      • Doggerel Dave

        AS: Little do I understand (or for that matter care) about the electoral vote in the UK. However I can relate to the observation that the relationship between the yobbos, of what ever stripe, the media and the pollies there as here, is a right royal pain in the arse......lol.

        • AuburnScribbler

          Thank you for the read Doggerel Dave, and glad that you agree that all of this drudgery is a right old palaver, hope all is well.

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