do you?

dusk arising

Do you
sit down
just to be
by things
you dont
have in
your life?
Do you?

  • Author: dusk arising (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 13th, 2021 09:24
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 29
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  • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

    It’s difficult when you see others with things we want ... makes us sad and envious

    • dusk arising

      I had in mind the company of others, especially children, when writing this. After more than a year of shielding and living alone I look forward to being among people again and people watching.

    • orchidee

      A useful write dusk.

    • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

      To be around the company of others ... that’s important .

    • Goldfinch60

      In these Strange Times, there are many things that we had in life and hopefully soon we will be able to sit amongst them again.


      • dusk arising

        Yes, youve hit the nail on the head there.

      • orchidee

        ....And, do I stop by to read this fine write? Yes!

        • dusk arising

          A bus ride can provide such a lot thats missing

        • L. B. Mek

          there is timeless wisdom in that old saying
          'a time away, will do you some good' or
          'take a break, indulge in new scenery'
          as our senses often get bogged down by repetition..
          by nature we are inquisitive folk, and so
          we yearn to experience the new and different
          to maximise this brief life, we've been gifted..
          but then, a few moments of separation
          from our tried and trusted, patterns or rhythmic routines
          and we crave, those snug fitting comforts
          we've dented into worn-in, safe havens
          as a perfect fit: for us, at least...
          (a wonderfully thought provoking write Dusk
          brilliantly worded, relatable and succinctly direct)

          • dusk arising

            THank you LBM. I look forward to sitting down in the company of strangers who probably seek exactly the same.

          • Neville

            I think I most probably do .. but quite possibly unconsciously so .. and often .. I find my self surrounded by the not so pretty or positively valued ...

            You pose an interesting question here DA .. and certainly made me think ......................


            • dusk arising

              Lockdown/shielding has deprived many of us of things/people we can so easily take for granted. Now I feel the need to absorb from wherever, whatever, spirit to energise me.

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