Notice of absence from L. B. Mek
'fare ye well' kind friends
'fare ye well' kind friends
broken family homes
replaced with
pixel scene dramatics
fantastical innocent childhoods
warped by
relativity’s harsh experiences
wishes dreamt into aspirations
surrendered, to
bitterness of anticipated failures,
hope rooted ambition
within weary submission
doubt’s stuttering verse
passion’s youthful verve
time lost regretting, floundering
potential: for new beginning
© L. B. Mek
February 2021
L. B. Mek (
- Published: May 14th, 2021 03:46
- Comment from author about the poem: Oft, we've wrongly assumed, there is strength in baring our mental issues, alone finding various coping substitutions, to help us: keep going without ever tackling the root cause of our suffering it's time we change that flawed way of thinking! 1 in 4 of us suffer from mental issues... "Now, more than ever, it is critical to reduce the stigma around mental health struggles, because that stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help."
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 75
- Users favorite of this poem: rebmasters
There came a sudden outburst from the media 'look after your mental health during lockdown/shielding'. I began to wonder if I was going doo-dally for i had begun to sing bizarre lyrics to my ad-lib jazz scat singing around the house. So it took advantage of the opportunity to speak with the mental health services online. Well, over the next few weeks I was enrolled into the most boring and fruitless set of phone conversations I think I have ever endured. After a while i realised that the chatter was probably as keen to be shot of me as I was him. After missing one of his phone calls i received a voicemail stating that i had been rejected by the system ("computer says no") for missing that call.
I was so pleased. now knowing that i was not on the worry list and would not have men in white coats knocking my door.
Frankly though, I am a bit of a screwball nutter but unlikely to be much of a pest or drain on public services so long as MPS allows me to post my gibberish rants, cunningly disguised as poetry, every so often.
Thank goodness the services you outline are there for the needy.
'for I had begun to sing bizarre lyrics to my ad-lib jazz scat singing around the house.'
(truthfully, didn't we all?)
as for your seemingly fruitless experience with counselling
sadly, like most things
'Returns equate to 'Quality' of shrewd: Investment...'
all helplines, are like road signs, there to guide
if you utilise them properly, however
if your local bartender (or whatever,
seems to have an empathetic smile
that's not commercially, plastered
on too-keen a face, then why not borrow their ears
or your neighbour
or that person you have the number of from a few years ago
who seemed, kinda nice
there is no right or wrong, as long as you understand
all friends, helplines, counsellor's, helpers of any genre
exist - mainly, to offer you a glimpse
of what Self-Healing You're Capable of,
its just: we get lost sometimes even on our way back home
get distracted maybe, and then those roadsides: come in handy...
and I for one, have read enough of your wise words, to know
you've probably helped much more than you've ever harmed,
'so just continue, to do you brother and let fate, simply
handle the rest...'
'Que serĂ¡, serĂ¡' / 'C'est la vie'
'if you'll pardon my uncouth, French of acceptance
for those aspects of life: we must humbly acknowledge
that we just, can't change' lol
'C'est la vie' - that's life indeed. Humbly accepting that others experience can be poles apart from our own in a given set of circumstance.
Well said, L.B.
thank you Jerry, appreciate the endorsement
of what I believe to be an important message
How true these reminders to seek help when negative moods rule our minds -- - food for thought in each of your stanzas my friend.
thank you dear Fay,
as the empathetic poet you are, it doesn't surprise me
you would lend some of your valuable time, to endorse
the message I was hoping to convey in this write
Good words Mek, there are many out there who do not realise that they are suffering in some way and do not know it within themselves.
so very true Andy..
we seldom recognise our own suffering
until its reflected in the actions, that hurt
those we care about the most: sadly...
Having spent my entire working life as a Clinical Specialist within the fascinatingly diverse field of mental health (psychiatry) and also consistently trying to engineer a more positive and accepting attitude toward mental ill health throughout this time .. and whilst also trying to chip away at the many myths, general insensitivity and grossly exaggerated tales of risk associated with mental ill health ... I could not agree more fully than I do with much of your authors note ... which I might add, is music to these old ears ... and your post of yesterday, pure poetry .............. Thank you .........................
........................ Neville
instead, my good friend - let me: Thank you!
for services that you've offered, that go way past
any value equated to 'billable hours', namely
that integral quality of selflessness and empathetic intelligence
few if any, have enough-of to share
let alone, Fuel: that most Humanist' of professions - Healing...
(though like all-things, there are goodun's and phony's
but I have a feeling those you managed to help, won the lottery
whether they realised it or not)
War goes on everywhere... and the worst is happening within human minds... Will there be any peace?
'Relativity' is that key word, we forget - far, too quickly, dear poet...
to a warzone Peace is, numbness
to a civilised life, numbness is an indicator of Turmoil...
but to all, we can only begin to Quest for: Peace
when we acknowledge our own Fingerprints
in that Turmoil, we choose to Harbour...
Beyond anything else this poem carries a very important message. You are so right that our prejudice against mental issues holds us back. It is the fear of our lack of understanding that keeps up this barrier. I have worked with people with such problems for the past 35 years and I believe like most other things everyone has such problems to a greater o. r lesser degree. When we look at others we need to look in a mirror first, but not with pride but true desire to understand.
so, so true wise Poet
we often think the one with the issues
needs all the bravery in the conversation
but the one trying to understand, needs
to go out on the limb as well, listen as well
as hear, trust and walk with patience
because we can't see the wounds
only the flinches and bloodshot eyes...
this is definitely one of my more
meaningful scribbles, kind friend)
thank you!
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