Poem, The ways of the World!


In the World today.
There are a few things at play.
Within society’s ills.
Only a few seek a physician to own up to our own bills.

One set of us seems to think in terms of victimization.
With No terms for actualization.
Never prone to introspection.
They pummel the rest of us with ways of direction.
Not once thinking of their own correction.

One set of us seems to think in terms of whitewashing their sin.
In a never ending don’t hold them accountable like spin.
Never prone to introspection.
They pummel us with ways of deflection.
Not once thinking of their own correction.

A few take the time.
To 1st go to the mirror and see the crime.
As that’s where we all need to start.
In order to order to play a proper part.
To see with Truth in reality.
Of what ails our society.
The evil & where it all begins.
For all of us in our own little sins.

That will make for real life change.
Yes at first this will seem quite strange.
Or we could keep being what most all call themselves.
“Good Person” types that leave evil on society’s shelves.
Never to see the evil in all of our selves.

  • Author: AwHec8 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 27th, 2021 08:50
  • Comment from author about the poem: Well another 1 bites the dust. A critique on myself as well as society in general. Don
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 17
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
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  • Goldfinch60

    If only we could all see the truth in our society and then had somebody we could trust to create a good world from that truth.


    • AwHec8

      Thank You Goldfinch60 for your comments. Don

    • L. B. Mek

      this is why, you're so awesome
      when you eloquently express yourself
      calm and collected...!
      'Within society’s, ills
      Only a few seek, a physician
      to own-up to our own, bills.

      One set of us seems to think in terms of victimization.
      With No terms for actualization.
      Never prone to introspection.
      They pummel the rest of us with ways of direction.
      Not once thinking of their own correction.'

      • AwHec8

        Thank You for such a nice comment on this Poem L. B. Mek. Don

      • Doggerel Dave

        Go for it Don, you are on a roll.
        You have analyzed the ills of our times so succinctly no one could seriously challenge your argument.

        • AwHec8

          Thank You Doggerel Dave for your words. Don

        • AwHec8

          Let me say this in all sincerity, I honestly believe we All carry a piece to this puzzle called Life & living it the best we can in Truth. I also believe that what we do with our piece of wisdom, our blessing is on all of us People as individuals & as a group. As always I put out what are my thoughts and hope anyone can use them as it fits their Lives, or Not. I also believe that if we live in a "Free Country" & we are a "Brave People" then there is room for me to be who I Am as well as You to be who You Are! That there is a way through for us all to have a bedrock of Rights/Opportunities. It will just take some hard choices to be made. I say if You fight for Your Rights, I will fight with You if allowed to do so. Don

          • Doggerel Dave

            Hear, hear Don: Could you turn that into a poem and put it out there published as you have this one, please - those words need to be seen by as many as possible, not tucked away here.

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