Once Upon a Freckled Cheek


Once Upon a Freckled Cheek


I think it only

fair to say

my most recent

rainbow moment


the very second

I started to trace

the gentle

upward sweep

of her

barely parted lips

with a

fallen feather …

Yet, so

very lightly set


a freshly freckled


In what was

to become

the first smile of

our very newest

day together ………. x



  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 1st, 2021 02:14
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 65
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  • dusk arising

    Delightful. I'm jealous.

    How do you pack so much into short lines?

    • Neville

      thank you so very bloomin much my friend .. what a super sentiment you have shared with me this sunny mane ...

    • Fay Slimm.

      Thrilling as ever your best "rainbow moment" with I suspect a new family member.......... such a tender-packed bouquet of poetic wealth to keep and remember forever - - - or maybe the verse recalls another time of first smiles when a different amour struck afresh -- - - I love how the last line ends ........x

      • Neville

        ......... how kind you are and truly ... the latter indeed strikes a chord ... but between you n me ... I had me cords well n truly tied a long time ago 🙂

      • L. B. Mek

        this was scarily reminiscent
        of a crisp clear, cherished memory
        I keep close
        in those corridors of our heart's
        where Time, can't blemish the sanctity
        of a moment that exists
        to reaffirm our tethers: to existence, itself...
        utilising sumptuous imagery, my friend
        a wonderful read

        • Neville

          ... made my day too then so ya did ........ cheers my friend

        • orchidee

          I might have met some of these fine gals, with notes in my Little Red (?) Book.
          But were they too much for me?! lol.

          • Neville

            .... indeed you may have .... but I suspect unlikely, given the fact you can still write almost coherently
            .... Neville

          • Doggerel Dave

            To tell more would be to spoil it, I think, Neville. Best leave it right there, as you so carefully did.

            • Neville

              ......................................... thank you Dave

            • Goldfinch60

              May that smile be forever there Neville.


              • Neville

                ... Let's hope so ... cheers Andy

              • Caring dove

                Beautiful words , very nice 🙂

                • Neville

                  ... thank you kindly my friend .. much appreciated 🙂

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