


Cherry blossom wind falls slow
on snow flake kissed garden

Mind how they do both come and go  
yet leave no trace behind them

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  • Goldfinch60

    but they leave memories.


    • Neville

      Yep .. sure do cheers GF60 ..

    • Doggerel Dave

      Much of the world's phenomena I could feel much better about if that were the case - if yer knows wot I mean......
      Good 'un, Neville.

      • Neville

        I think I know wot you mean .. cheers 🙂

      • Fay Slimm.

        A lovely short read of your version of briefness Nev. Nature often leaves no trace behind of her precocious diversions here on our side of the coast. Winter cold kissing blossom may be brief but how sad to see cherry-drop fall to maverick frost............

        • Neville

          that'll do nicely ma'am ,, more than appreciated and then some .. 🙂

        • Accidental Poet

          Some of the most beautiful events happen in the shortest of time. Well penned my friend. ; )

          • Neville

            bless you n truly AP .. 🙂

          • Poetic Dan

            To enjoy life but not keep it! If I could see the blessing of my time and not the burden, one can only keep trying!

            Until melted or blown away, a pleasure to read your work today.

            Be sure to keep them coming 😉

            • Neville

              Cheers Dan .. hang in there mate 🙂

            • Jerry Reynolds

              Beautiful write, Neville.
              Nature is ever inspiring.

              • Neville

                Absolutely write .. Thank you Jerry 🙂

              • L. B. Mek

                'of those illusive gifts, in our lives
                you subtly pen, my wise friend;
                where, we seldom take the 'brief' moment
                required, to realise: just how much of life
                we miss-out - on, while waiting
                for that unattainable, Hollywood
                of miraged - something, anything
                deemed important, by other's
                simply, because they refuse to admit
                the resplendent majesty of existence
                we experience, in our everyday lives...!'
                another brilliant shorty, dear poet
                showcasing the epitome of worded, Brevity!

                • Neville

                  Okay, since the trend has been set, let's be brief .. Thanking you kindly L.B 🙂

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