Calling Time


Calling Time


Today, I feel like an old clock counting moments

upon which

the smug polished patina of time is now the only

thing that shines, he said ..

Then he did smile and eased himself slow and deep

into his favourite chair ..

Whereupon he breathed his last with dust motes

dancing wild and blindly

within the silvered notes of his once dark hair ..


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  • Doggerel Dave

    ' Way to go, Nev. Smooth and easy.... Great portrait.

    Now for a reviver (he wouldn't want you to stay sad forever) why not try (word association inspired) Closing Time (LC) One of my many faves in his catalogue.

    • Neville

      Bless you sir Dave ... many ta's n all that jazz .............. Did I ever mention the great man once wrote to me, way back in 2012 ................................................ N 🙂

      • Doggerel Dave

        might've, once or twice - 'n I think I would too, if he'd bothered to write to yrs truly.

      • orchidee

        Good write Neville.

        • Neville

          write on Mr. O ................................................................................. 🙂

        • Fay Slimm.

          Wow and what a way to call closing on life that ends in easy-chaired smiles with cosy acceptance. Hey and good to go too when dreams are still on the wild side mon ami.............x

          • Neville

            and I thank you for being so understanding my dear lady Fay ..................................... x

          • Laura🌻


            What a wonderful read.
            I especially liked…

            “dancing wild and blindly
            within the silvered notes of his once
            dark hair ..”


            • Neville

              thank you my friend for considering these words .. your visit means such a lot to this old scribe 🙂

              Neville 🌻

              • Laura🌻

                Old?! 🤔


              • MendedFences27

                A truly exceptional write. Taking time to "ease into a favorite chair" gives the sense of a peaceful passing, and "silvered notes" lends musical association. 0f whom you speak would have enjoyed the sense of the moment. - Phil A.

                • Neville

                  I really can not thank you enough sir .. what a heart-warming note to end on this fine summers eve 🙂

                • Accidental Poet

                  A very meaningful write N. As my own Dad nears closer and closer to his last days, I'm seeing him in a new light that I never expected to. I've learned to appreciate more and more. 🤔

                  • Neville

                    I have been there too my friend .. keep cherishing those moments, unfortunately they get fewer and fewer .. best to make as many memories as we can .............. and thank you so very much for calling in today ......................................................................... Neville

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Wonderful words Neville, just slipping away into a new life in a comfortable way.............. but not yet.


                    • Neville

                      absolutely NOT sir ... I will have none of it ... you have many more moults ahead of you yet Andy 🙂

                    • Lorna

                      And there it is, and he is not afraid. I'm loving this.

                      • Neville

                        Bless you Lorna .. 🙂

                      • Dove

                        Serenity of time, and such heartfelt painting! Them dust motes, always annoy me, but alas time shall catch me too! Excellent writing Sir Neville

                        • Neville

                          .... Bless thee mistress Dove .........................................................................................................

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