
Saxon Crow

It's such a bittersweet dilemma 
That I refuse to learn from
Is it her I seek?
Or the exquisite pain of what ifs? 

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  • Goldfinch60

    What if? the most difficult question in our lives SC.


    • Saxon Crow

      Or the most addictive

    • orchidee

      A fine write SC.

    • dusk arising

      A dilemma indeed but I learned the hard way to just move on. The what if's were the things which didn't happen.
      Great concise piece to wake up a contrary old beast like me.

    • Accidental Poet

      Very thought provoking Sax. Straight to my favs. 👍

    • L. B. Mek

      so true,
      when we trip or buckle
      we seldom have time
      to look, at the root cause
      of our demise
      rather, we hurry to limit our fall
      and rush to resume
      our blind leap, to that same
      aspirational trap
      of belatedly realised, conformity...
      an intriguing read
      like the 'her', adds a meaningful twist
      thanks for sharing, dear poet

    • Thekkinkkattil

      It is always the her you seek but why the dilemma?

      • Saxon Crow

        Is it her or the idea of her? There in lies the dilemma. So is the subject looking for reality or the dream? Is he refusing to learn because he doesn't want to know because the feeling is addictive

      • Coyote

        You say much in this short verse. "What ifs" indeed. Brilliant!

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