
Fay Slimm.




That late afternoon 

when the slope of well-muscled 

shoulders approached 

her slim frame and male breath

bent closer to trembling lips

refusal loomed large

for a guilt-ridden moment

then action exploded.


Chance of resistance can melt

as passion turns No into Yes. 

  • Author: Fay Slimm. (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 18th, 2021 02:48
  • Comment from author about the poem: A romantic notion took my fancy to wording a few lines of prose after viewing the image. Hope you enjoy.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 55
  • Users favorite of this poem: jarcher54
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  • dusk arising

    Oh cor blimey Fay, a bit contravertial. Us blokes have been getting a lot of stick for not hearing the NOs and imagining they are not meant thereby ending up in court. Not that humble, innocent, romantic littuw me ever would do anything like that of course.

    On the other hand yes, I do see your lady melting here as the passion of her dreams approaches and..... well, as the saying goes, the rest is just toothpaste...

    Innit awful when legal matters interfere with the romantic instinct.

    • Fay Slimm.

      Ha ha - Great comment and thank you dear Dusk - - glad you likened that meeting by Chance to toothpaste cos it certainly does fizzle with peppermint heat -- hearings in court were never intended in this little scribble but must agree that the words yes and no must be loud and definitely understood.

    • Doggerel Dave

      'Romantic notion'?
      Come on Fay, that woz lust, not very pure but certainly simple.

      On the basis of your evidence, they both enjoyed....'Nuff said...

      • Fay Slimm.

        Guzon wid ya Dave - - lust can be very romantic in my neck of the woods........... ha - grand to have had you stop by though for a read and review of Chance.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Seems like I missed out badly there, Fay. Should ha been in the wonderful West Country during my yoothful randy period rather than larking and lurking about London..,...

        • Coyote

          Wow! A very sensual write Fay.

        • Dove

          I love it! Indeed Passion can turn any No to Yes, if the promise is a sweet tender kiss

        • Goldfinch60

          So very true Fay.


        • Neville

          Muchly enjoyed moments like that can catch a guy unprepared ... feels good tho' dunnit ............................ 🙂 x

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