The Power of Love

Accidental Poet


A one of a kind lass

From the depths of my youth

So bold was I to see her

As my heart’s one truth


Her name of Sharon

Engraved upon my heart

My introduction to love

A ten year old’s start


With bright eyes

And radiant smile

My knees didn’t stand a chance

My heart there at the end of the aisle


Though she moved away

After only four years

She left me with her smile

Instead of endless tears


I grew up

Never forgetting her face

And never again would I be

In as beautiful a place


In the school of love

With Sharon as my teacher

I’m in awe of all she taught me

Even though I couldn’t reach her


Now I’m fifty-four years invested

I see the power of love

How it engulfs you

Fits you like a glove


It occurred to me

Isn’t it grand

All that love can do

And what love does to a man


To pen poetic words

Showing the passion inspired

From that of a lovely face

That sparked internal fires


She’ll forever have my heart

My first and last love

Eternally unconditional

Thankful of romantic stars above


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2021

  • Author: Sharon\'s Poet (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 30th, 2021 04:57
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 45
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  • Neville

    there are some who just come and go .. your Sharon tho' is surely a keeper and with such longevity you are both a credit to love ................................ N

    • Accidental Poet

      I'm honored to be of your fine compliment N. Thank you seems not nearly enough, but thank you. 😉

    • Lorna

      She left you the absolute best to write poetry about........ sometimes who knows whether it would have been as great if she had been the forever one.

      • Accidental Poet

        She has always been my forever one, and I told her so before she left. I knew if I didn't tell her then I'd always regret it. Thanks for the read and comment Lorna.

      • L. B. Mek

        ten year old?
        a modern day Dante?
        his, was named Beatrice
        yours: you named Sharon.
        both now poetically immortalised
        by a bleeding heart's: ink...
        wonderfully romantic, thank you dear poet

        • Accidental Poet

          I didn't name her, her parents did. And I was forever grateful that they had a daughter. Thank you for the read and compliment LB

        • orchidee

          Good write AP.
          'Now c'mon Orchi', says Fido.' Risk reading poems that have 'love' in them. Ya won't always swoon!' lol.

          • Accidental Poet

            Orchi, I have to ask. Does Fido swoon with you? 😜

            • orchidee

              He warns me of swoons, so he don't faint himself! lol.

            • Thekkinkkattil

              Your love for Sharon is iconic. And your inspiration. Maybe somethings are better that way

              • Accidental Poet

                Thanks for the read kk. Much appreciated.

              • Goldfinch60

                Sharon is with you and will be forever AP.


                • Accidental Poet

                  Thank you Andy, yes she is. As with you and Joyce. 🌹🌹 Two roses for our ladies.

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