Throughout our lives we make decisions,
Decisions on where we need to progress.
Many times they are the right decisions
But occasionally we are totally wrong
And we make a complete mess.
But from this we can learn
When we realise that failure
Is not the opposite of success,
It’s that experience which shows us,
Shows us that it is part of success in our lives.
Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (
- Published: September 7th, 2021 00:53
- Comment from author about the poem: We can always move on in life learning from our mistakes.
- Category: Reflection
- Views: 27
So true Andy.
I think it goes hand in hand with "let us not judge a man by what he achieved but rather by the obstacles he overcame along the way"
Thank you da, yes it does go with those words.
I believe that without making decisions that are eventually wrong we won't be able to make the right decisions in the future. Beautiful write dear Andy!
Thank you Arvy, we need to gain experience with any decisions right or wrong but what many do not realise is that experience cannot be taught.
Very true At the time we feel its right but time tells us it not true and that is what experience is all about. Thank you Andy for such thoughtful words
Most kind TKKKK, much appreciated.
Very true GF. You wise old owl
Thank you SC.
Less of the OLD please.
We can’t be perfect ... everyone makes mistakes .
So true.
Sometimes we feel our decisions might be the best ones at the time but looking back we realise it wasn’t . I guess we only make decisions the best we can , with how we’re feeling at the time
It's called experience and that cannot be taught.
Good write Gold.
Wish I had learnt in 1066, and not turned up?
You packing any bags yet for the Reunion?!
I have my horse ready and will have my aids pack my bags and put into the trailer that they will be pulling.
See ya upon your arrival on ya horse - named Trigger?!
wise words indeed from our very own great crested golden sage .... 🙂
So kind Neville, thank you.
Very true Andy, experience is the only instruction manual we get. Well written my friend. 😉
That instruction manual is so important in our long lives AP.
Without it, life even harder than than already is.
Absolutely - that should be the way it goes.....
It surely is Dave.
Everything happens for a reason. You’re poem means a lot to me today. Having a rough one
Sorry you had a rough day I hope all is better now.
by design or chaotic luck
our fallibility is unquestioned,
a part of us, a tool
to be utilised
and so let us buckle and trip, again and again, maybe even fall,
once in a while
but come, when our time for accountability is nigh upon us,
and there
we'll stand twice, as erect
and twice more, emboldened
by self accumulated, meaningful pride..
success out of failure: Yes,
I like the flavour
of that: 'slice of life'...!
(you've done it again, my friend
got me flying away into spontaneity of those emotional dancing qwerty keys,
lets hope it all makes some kind of sense, in the end) lol
thank you, my friend
found your words to be unassumingly: inspirational!
Wow, Mek, it certainly triggered your muse in a delightful way, thank you.
Every one makes mistakes at one time or another. Taking the wrong road. But from that mistake we learn to turn around and try another. We don't know what our futures bring. We can only do the very best that we can. And yes we learn from our mistakes. In my case I must be one smart guy. Because I've made many mistakes . I enjoyed reading you poem. Thank you for sharing.
As long as we always do the best we can we will go forward in our lives full of positivity.
You are so right.You have a good night.
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