Dark Desire

Jerry Reynolds


To leave home
with a gun
to satisfy
a dark desire to know
what it feels like
to hunt and kill a human
Is not amazing grace.

  • Author: Jerry Reynolds (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 15th, 2021 09:44
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 28
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  • orchidee

    A true write Jerry.

  • dusk arising

    I thought that was the american dream. Why have so many guns if you're not going to kill each other?

    Suitable answers on a postcard to the white house plse.

    • Jerry Reynolds

      Thanks, Dusk.
      The American dream is to feed, clothe, house educate, and supply a path to joy for your family on your take-home pay. Guns is a social disease.

    • Paul Bell

      I'm like this when the delivery driver doesn't turn up when he promised.
      Mind you, if I killed him, he wouldn't turn up at all, hate that.

    • Doggerel Dave

      'Social Disease ' is probably the only way to look at it....but when more than half the population is infected and the pushers promote infection as the cure....mixing my metaphors a little here, but from where I sit, at the moment the US appears to be going down the gurgler at a rapid rate.....

    • Goldfinch60

      So true Jerry. The gun culture is rife in the UK as well. It MUST be stopped!


    • SureshG

      A third of the county thinks it’s their right to hunt, humans are now just another target

      Yap! a great sociopolitical post

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