

Notice of absence from depressionofbecca
Taking a Mental Health Leave. I don't know when I will publish next.

See the blood rolling down my arms

See the bright red flowing into little streams

The little cuts that no one sees

The cuts that they think have no purpose

The cuts that are a silent cry

A cry for help

A cry that you cant here

A moan, a cry, a scream, a yell 

But, it's silent

The cuts are like a map

Going up and down my body

Some inviciable, like a secret passage in a movie

Others have fake stories, lies behind them

Lies that hide the truth

Lies that cannot be remembered

Lies that are always retold 

One lie will never go away though

The lie that I tell myself

That I'm okay

But, as I tell myself I'm okay

I am sitting and looking

Looking at the blood 

The blood as it rolls 

Rolls down my arms

In bright little red streams 

But, yet I feel nothing

I am numb

Numb and bleeding


  • Author: hopeforthehopeless (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 23rd, 2021 07:44
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 21
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  • dusk arising

    You describe something which I have to admit is beyond my understanding. But I wish i could understand. Please write more and help me (and others) understand the motivation of self harming.
    It's easy to sympathise but I'd like to be able to empathise, to feel along with you.

    • depressionofbecca

      You really dont want to expirence these thoughts they are very overwhelming. But I can describe it more.

    • Nicholas Browning

      I understand very well this state of mind. Not yours specifically because that's impossible, but I've been in similar situations. What lies underneath the surface of a person is usually what's most interesting to see. It really depends on how other people take it when they discover it, if they ever do. Best regards.

      • depressionofbecca

        thank you

        • Beccadeepinside

          Your right what's under the surface is most interesting. However, now 5 years of cutting later, all they see are the scars, they don't see the beauty within.

        • spilleronsheet

          The emotions you carry
          Is so heavy
          Unloaded them as much as you can
          Here by your powerful words
          Your priceless my dear friend

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