Noisy Bird


I'll wring his neck!

That noisy bird

4 in the morning

It's so absurd


Right on the clock

So dark at 4

He makes his noise

My head's so sore


"I'll wake them up

Those lazy birds

They scream at me

Such spiteful words"


So scream he does

And calls his group

They all fly in

Support the troop


I wait till 5

They fly away

But noisy bird

Will always stay


I creep till near....

He's about to rest

I bellowed "YOU TWIT"

He fell off his nest!


I wrote this poem after reading Relic's A Bird Overhead and Robert Haigh's Insomnia. Not sure where Noisy Bird and his supporters will fly to next month but I don't think he goes to Europe or the US!

  • Author: Rozina (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 13th, 2021 04:36
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 74
  • Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek, spilleronsheet
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  • dusk arising

    Blimey, that drawing is the ex mother-in-law to a tee.
    I know how you feel about those pesky birds, to combat exterior noises i use a bedside radio to create a more acceptable diversion.

    • Rozina

      Haha! My apologies for the drawing. The radio would have to be very loud maybe heavy rock music to drown out Noisy Bird at 4am! Thank you for your comments.

    • Paul Bell

      So, a bird in the hand is getting buried in the bush. I just hire an eagle, works wonders.

      • Rozina

        I would love to hire an eagle - address please! Thank you.

      • L. B. Mek

        We have an 'enthusiastic bird'
        issue in our house as well, lol
        fun read, thanks for sharing

        • Rozina

          Thank you for your comment.

        • spilleronsheet

          That’s really funny
          Yep birds can be annoying especially at odd hours
          You really made me laugh
          How well was your inspiration
          Keep writing my dear friend
          Hope to read more of your magic

          • Rozina

            Thank you very much for your comments.

          • Rozina

            Dear Teddy, Thank you for your lovely comments. This morning I read Relic’s poem A Bird Overhead. This afternoon I read Robert’s Insomnia. I think my Noisy Bird is full of mischief and enjoys torturing us! Totally unlike the robin.
            I come from the island of Penang in Malaysia, a tropical country. Migratory birds fly across Malaysia to escape the cold. But this bird could be a local fellow. I will find out more. Good night - need to sleep a few hours before trouble starts!

          • Maymorning

            Loved this, your poem cheered me up on a miserable day. Thanks for the laugh.

            • Rozina

              Thank you.

            • Coyote

              Sounds like you got even lol. A delightful write on an otherwise gloomy day🙂

              • Rozina

                Thank you! He'll be back!

              • Doggerel Dave

                I identify with this mutchly - here in 'stralia we suffer from a bird, a koel by name, which drives me nuts in, I think, Spring. A real pain in the eardrums. Wrote about it here many moons ago,
                Can't be the same bird as this one is a single bandit.
                Your poem cheered me up - nice to know I'm not the only one who suffers........

                • Rozina

                  Haha! Thank you. A suffering shared is a suffering halved?

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Doubt it, but I feel less lonely.....

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Maybe I am weird but I love hearing birds at dawn, no matter what time dawn is, generally hear in the UK the first bird to sing is the robin. It is also the last bird to sing at night.
                    Good fun write Rozina.


                  • Rozina

                    Thank you. I just googled the sound a robin makes - it sounds pretty, musical. The Noisy Bird makes an awful noise! One man’s noise is another man’s music?

                  • Neville

                    quite simply lovely .. nah .. much more even than just that .. made me mouth spread sideways and up into a very broad smile ........................ N 🙂

                    • Rozina

                      Thank you.

                    • Caring dove

                      Birds are lovely . If they annoy us , they don’t mean to . Can be annoying to be woken up by them , I guess … especially if it’s so early ,

                      I love hearing birds tho

                    • Rozina

                      Dear yellowrose, Thank you.

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