Father dear Father


Notice of absence from woundedheart
Sorry due to personal reasons i will be absent for an unknown period of time
Thank you for your friendship and may the Lord watch over you all and keep you safe. ❤❤❤❤

Is it morning? then why so dark,

where is the sun the moon the stars!

Why so very still and silent,

no barking of dogs nor busy motor cars.

Why does the air smell so acrid and stale,

no floral scents nor fast food smell.

Why am I surrounded and yet so very alone,

praying to Heaven, trapped in mine own Hell.

Sight forsake me pray let me not see,

the answer to all my questions, all but one.

How will I live when one so full of life,

has said farewell ... and without me... moved softly on.

  • Author: woundedheart (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 5th, 2022 13:59
  • Comment from author about the poem: My father is terminally ill and I hate all i can do is try to make him comfortable
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 36
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • spilleronsheet

    So sorry to hear about it dear poet
    Lots of courage to you
    I know your doing your best
    Hope all will be soon well
    Speedy recovery for your father
    Keeping prayers in mind
    Wish you luck and best wishes to defeat the battle the time is testing by

  • woundedheart

    Thank you and one can only hope☺

  • woundedheart

    Thank you 🐻 i am trying very hard to fit in as much time as is left and trying hard to remember him as he was not how he is ☺

  • Rozina

    Sorry to hear this about your father. Your love and care will bring him some comfort.

  • Goldfinch60

    Emotive words spilleronsheet. It can be hard as I well know but in time he will still be there for you.


    • woundedheart

      In my always and by my side in troubled times ☺

    • L. B. Mek

      such a tragedy, our greatest Art
      is often birthed
      from our most crushing desolation,
      I'm so sorry, for the suffering
      that created this poignant work
      of emotive poetry,
      stay strong!
      and thank you, for choosing to share

      • woundedheart

        Indeed a muse i would willingly never have met and a pain never felt, thank you for reading ☺

      • Garth Rakumakoe

        My heart goes out to you. The prospect of loss is one of the most daunting things we face in our lifetime. Thank you for writing from the heart.

        • woundedheart

          And thank you for your kind words

        • Caring dove

          Sorry to hear (( difficult thing to go through . Take care

          • woundedheart

            Thank you Faith will stead me ☺

          • Accidental Poet

            Your being there is the most important thing. And when the time comes, it won't be good-bye, just "we'll see each other again." I just lost my Dad and that's what I told him the last time I saw him. (((HUGS)))

            • woundedheart

              Thank you I know we will indeed see each other again. ☺

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