Healthcare Heroes


Suited in green and blue

Armed with steths and IV packs;

With masks strapped on, personnel on call

A battalion rushes to prep its stores.


A flurry of activity takes place

Soldiers marching and signals coming

With minds in focus and targets positioned

The commander assigns his delegation


The usual casualty arrives in fib

A, B, C - the drill begins

Just like clockwork, all hands on deck

The daily struggle getting one life back


With stealth they put their camo on

Awaiting any ambush strikes

Despite mine traps set and smokescreen

Neither prepped them for COVID-19


Alpha came and Beta went

It seemed they would survive this wave

But delta arrived and chaos ensued

Bodies piled up, survivors a few


Alive but scarred - a common remark

They shared their stories and battle signs

Filled with exhaustion they carried on

Ready to fight with Omicron

  • Author: Poetic_azf (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 15th, 2022 01:11
  • Comment from author about the poem: To all the healthcare heroes fighting the good fight
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 27
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  • Saxon Crow

    No. Not at all.

    Under staffed and under paid.
    Attacked by a government who refuses aid.
    Apathy high and morale so low
    Health workers vaccinate
    Or be told to go
    Media shapes 'the good old days'
    And yet health workers
    Wince at the priase
    Nothing changes or ever will
    Despite which way you might feel ill
    There is a battle
    This is true
    But the enemy isn't
    A dangerous flu
    It's the hypocrisy
    And lies that hurt us all
    From politicians
    Who have no clue

    As someone who has been in hospital with covid, is in the health and social care bracket and works alongside health care. I'm sorry, but this romanticised view of things is misguided. These guys work bloody hard every single day even before covid. The NHS is consistently getting less and less funding every year. And now with covid they have been forced to take a vaccine that a high percentage of them do not want to do. It's wrong. So yes your poem, which is very good and has a lovely sentiment, has only got one thing right. There is a war but it is on the NHS itself. Sorry. But I feel so strongly about this. And so do many others who work in the industry.

    • Poetic_azf

      I work as a Doctor in a Sydney Hospital and was deployed for a month to work in the COVID wards during the peak of delta in Australia. I'm currently working in the Emergency Department which was where I drew inspiration from.

      I agree with you hundred percent that this pandemic should never have and and should not be managed/dictated by politicians who have absolutely no clue about the ins and outs of the disease, much less what goes on on the front lines.

      I am exhausted at having to calm down the panicked and uninformed vaccinated with mild COVID symptoms who come to the Emergency Department when there are sicker and more dire emergencies to attend to. I am jaded at the fact that people still refuse to get vaccinated despite acknowledging the pressures on every health system in the world and the numbers which do not lie about how vaccination prevents serious illness (even with Omicron) - We still bite our tongues and treat them as best we can. Vaccination is our only means of getting back to the way things were - our only way to eventually treat COVID just like the flu, it's just disappointing that even with the technology and medical advancements available to us, we are still stuck in this constant loop.

      But even then, as a Doctor or Nurse working in any healthcare system, what else can we do but roll up our sleeves and continue working hoping that things will get better eventually. We just have to stay optimistic and persevere isn't it?

      Thank you for sharing your passionate thoughts and opinions.

    • Poetic_azf

      In fact, the title of the poem itself is meant to be ironic - I like your addition 'wince at the praise'.

      We do not need/want praise - we just want things back to normal so we can continue working without feeling exhausted and like it's never gonna end

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