Cygnus RA21h46m32.24S-D32’53’


Cygnus RA21h46m32.24S-D32’53’


Although I cannot see you, with my little naked eye

I need no telescope, coordinates nor maps to know

you are up there somewhere, shining brightly ..


Yes, looking down on me and mine at night and smiling

and although way out of reach for now maybe ..

My darling, there will always be tomorrow ..





  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 30th, 2022 03:41
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 53
  • Users favorite of this poem: spilleronsheet
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  • Fay Slimm.

    What an inspiring write Nev. with such a unique title - -- Cygnus the bringer of balance can fill grieving hearts with peace for spirit lives on to gladden assurance of future reunions. Love needs no form, it is timeless and truly perpetual. Deep and powerful these positive lines today mon ami................x

    • Neville

      How extraordinarily kind thou art my dear lady Fay .......................................... as always .. 🙂 x

    • orchidee

      Good write N. Bit of algebra too?!l

      • Neville

        Just for the record, she is no longer known as 'Cygnus RA21h46m32.24S-D32’53’ Mr. O .. but had her name officially changed many years ago to that of my wife ............................. cheers 🙂

      • FallenAngel1🕊

        Stunningly beautiful Neville,..just so stunningly gorgeous🕊 I love the ending, really drives it home🍻

        • Neville

          how very kind of you my friend ........................ & seriously appreciated too .............. Neville 🙂

        • spilleronsheet

          This is so beautiful
          A swan in sky
          Flying high
          While I fascinate upon her flight
          Who knew that swan that I see in sky
          Lighting the sky at night
          One day she shall descend upon heavenly earth
          Soo…..beautiful dear Neville
          Such unique comparison
          It’s a jewel

          • Neville

            thank you spiller ..what a lovely comment .. and this one has your cygneture running write through it ........................ x

          • MendedFences27

            A "shining brightly" star becomes a fond remembrance of a loved one. The love seeps through your words and remains intact with the hope of "tomorrow." A difficult write I would imagine. - Phil A.

            • Neville

              this one was Phil ................................. many thanks my friend ........... Neville

            • Rozina

              Oh so beautiful to read this. Your lines of love to your wife.

              • Neville

                thank you kindly Roz ..................................................................... & ever so my friend .. Neville

              • Goldfinch60

                I feel exactly the same Neville.


                • Neville

                  of that, I have no doubt Andy .................. thank you my golden friend ... Neville

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