Taking the next step


The room is locked

the doors jammed 

the window is shut

Dilapidated walls, paint worn out

the torn curtains motionless as dead leaves

the air hardly any brief

the shoddy light greets the visitor 

for whom its an abode

lost is the key 




on a broken street

with no beginning 

no end

motionless and lifeless is the street 

a clock running its own time 

with no stopping by 

hurried is the gaze 

looking for a friend  on streets



when was it 

a year ago

two years ago

three years ago

or many decades

when no sunlight greeted the abode



its not heaven 

nor the hell

who has the time to comment upon 


disdain are the looks

disappointed the worker who lived

struggling and baring around

empty to the ground

no flowers

no breeze 

did he ever try to unlock 

how does it matter if there is no key ?



a shoddy light

with no breeze

an existence with only a name

no world to greet 

what shall he write upon sheet 



closed is the world

Scolded to open around

the counsellor for first time 

asks him to put his mind out 


tears lace the yes

dumbfounded as he is deprived

but no words to speak by

was he a mute?


he never spoke

and build a wall




the kindness that  cherry blossoms move

as the plant that shoves

he tries to change

breaking the walls

moving the abode

to Baker Street 

or the Wall Street 


time kept him struggling 

but he is determined to leap 

even if breaking the only limbs left ….



A best of luck 

best  and warm wishes those leading the lead 

those following 

those struggling 

those striving 

and those  trying to make ends meet…..

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  • Goldfinch60

    There are so many in that position spilleronsheet yet we live in a world where there is more than enough for everybody but those with the power wish to keep it all for themselves.


    • spilleronsheet

      So true
      That’s a thought provoking statement
      There is enough for everybody, so true
      Maybe it’s just we can’t see

    • L. B. Mek

      'time kept him struggling
      but he is determined to leap
      even if breaking the only limbs left ….

      • spilleronsheet

        Thanks a lot dear Mek
        The hope that keeps us awake

      • Neville

        sadly, the world is full of em .. sad souls indeed .. now given a poetic voice & loudly ................. Neville

        • spilleronsheet

          A sad soul
          Can’t voice their opinions
          But I guess poetry is freedom
          Wherein, even a voiceless can sing
          Thanks a lot dear Neville

        • Vamsi Sudha

          A heart grieving situation, very well narrated and you conceptualize beyond words. Festoon of events well narrated !!
          But its time for Taking the Next Step !!

          • spilleronsheet

            It surely is
            The arena dates shall be announced
            It’s time for warriors to assemble and win the crown
            Thanks for the lovely comment dear Vamsi
            It cheers the mind for the next step to take…

          • Rozina

            Yes, a real struggle for some. I enjoyed your poem very much.

            • spilleronsheet

              Thanks a lot dear Rozina
              I guess many of us are still in caterpillar stage
              So cheers to them

            • dusk arising

              The first verse made me think you had been in my home.... rather bleak here. I've been up and down that ladder and played tunes upon it but in the end all that matters is a modicum of peace of mind. Well.... it works for me anyhow.

              • spilleronsheet

                Really I could strike at your place
                Maybe peace does means a lot
                But what if one is used to chaos
                When in chaos, sometimes it doesn’t matter how sad you are
                You eventually shall creep out
                I guess I think like that

              • AuburnScribbler

                A superlative poem here spilleronsheet.

                Though the story you've told is full of woe, the brightness dwells; in the way you have delivered it so masterfully.

                My best wishes go out to those, who are in this situation, as it could so easily be me, as freelancing isn't easy at the moment.

                Bravo, and I hope that all is well!

                • spilleronsheet

                  Freelancing is surely not easily
                  Those struggles are really hard
                  Thanks a lot dear Auburnscribble for stopping by
                  Your comments connected and struck a chord inside

                  • AuburnScribbler

                    Freelancing sure is, I'm really looking forward to much more frequent work.

                    You're very welcome for the comment, and I hope that the next step you make, will lead to brighter things.

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